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Ipad wifi login problems


iPF Noob
Jul 24, 2010
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So I know nothing about computers or ipads so Ihope I can give the correct information. I got my ipad a month ago and the wifi worked great for about 2 weeks.
My apartment requires you login when you log on and when I connect to the location the screen on the ipad just goes blank with login written above it. I cant sign in.
It works on every other device I own.
Please help! I can give any other info you may need,just letme know.
are you saying you have to log in on a webpage?
Maybe this webpage uses something like flash that isnt supported on the ipad.
Yes, what Mike says is probably what it is. I have been in a couple of hotels that are like this. It immediately opens a webpage that uses Flash to authenticate. Very annoying that they would use a technology like Flash for this but not really anything to do about it.

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