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iPad w/o computer?


iPF Noob
Jul 16, 2010
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Do you have to have a seperate PC or Mac to use the iPad? I keep reading all rhis stuff about syncing up to iTunes and so on? Will I have to connect it to my desktop anytime I want to add a new app?
No, you don't, but it's very very helpful. If you don't have a computer to sync with, your iPad will be an island: the only data that's on there is data you download directly onto it. The only apps you'll have are the ones you've bought from the App Store. Same thing for music/movies/video, except those would come from iTunes on the device.

Having a computer to sync with means you have a way to store more music, apps, videos, movies etc. than you can hold on your iPad, and you have someplace where you've got that data backed up, in case you somehow brick your iPad.
You will have to connect it once at the beginning to activate it. You don't have to connect it again after that if you don't want to. Apps can be downloaded directly onto the ipad itself.

You also connect it to the computer to load all your music and video's off of your computer onto the ipad.

You can buy music directly on the ipad itself, however you wont have a backup of the music unless you sync it with your computer. Its a good idea to sync with your computer every so often so that if something ever happens to the ipad you have all of your info backed up on the PC.
Well, you also need a computer to set up a wifi access home.

Printing is an issue if you do office work on an iPad. But there always are solutions, this is why this site is so useful...
You absolutely need a computer with iTunes. Can't even get to the OS on the first boot of the iPad without a computer and iTunes. Also, if you want anything on your iPad that is not bought through the App Store or the Apple Book store or any of Apple's other stores, you need a computer as the iPad cannot handle OTA syncing of anything yet. Contacts, music, videos, etc, all need a computer to get on the iPad.
... Contacts, music, videos, etc, all need a computer to get on the iPad.

You can download directly from iTunes onto the iPad without a computer - music, videos, apps, etc. You do need to synch with iTunes initially but after that you do not need a computer. Everything you download though will be resident only on the iPad with no back up.
... Contacts, music, videos, etc, all need a computer to get on the iPad.

You can download directly from iTunes onto the iPad without a computer - music, videos, apps, etc. You do need to synch with iTunes initially but after that you do not need a computer. Everything you download though will be resident only on the iPad with no back up.

Yes, you can purchase new music from Apple and download it directly to the device. Any existing music or videos you have cannot be synced without connecting to iTunes however.
With iTunes setup properly it really enhances the iPad.

Agreed, spot-on.
Can you let us know what that setup is? My iPad isn't an island per se, but it doesn't get sync'd with my computer (windows) much either. If there is something that "symbiotic" use of these devices could enhance I'd be all for it.

Mine is jailbroken. I don't think that would make a difference.

Appreciate it.

Can anyone tell me how to set up iTunes properly in a PC? Because from all the programs that I have installed and tested in a PC, the iTunes is one of the slowest.
Can anyone tell me how to set up iTunes properly in a PC? Because from all the programs that I have installed and tested in a PC, the iTunes is one of the slowest.
There really is no setup for iTunes. Saying that it is slow is a bit vague. How is it slow? Slow compared to what?
are you saying slow in downloading videos, music? some of this is going to be expected. dont expect a movie to download in seconds or minutes. Also what are you using for your net service? Broadband, DSL, 3G ??? these are major factors as well. Be aware, a lot of Broadband and DSL providers advertise mega speeds but you will only find this in the wee hours of the morning when no one is using the network.. lots of things to consider and equate into your problems. :confused:

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