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IPAD - Sticky (not smooth) screen problem !!!!!


iPF Noob
Oct 29, 2010
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Hello. I have a very simple problem with my ipad that drives me INSANE. My screen feels sticky. it's not sticky that much but I can not softly slide my finger on the screen, and it really prevents playing games, writing with hand, painting and simple (but important) stuff like that.

I did not clean my ipa with anything other thana drop of water and mirofiber so far. I did not use any chemicals on it. Did not stick or remove anything of it. I'm using it exactly as I should, but after 3 weeks of using it, I felt this feeling in the starting of this week. Right now it's driving me insane, literally !!

I searched / googled about this simple problem, but most of the people having the same problem somehow used chemicals on their screens.

I bought my ipad from another country so it seems like its impossible for me to take it to the warranty check within a sooner time range.

Any ideas ?!
I searched and found someone with same problem, they used a dab and only a small dab of water, and then repeated in a few hours and it was fine, make sure you wipe it back off.
For what it's worth, I've never put anything on my iPad. I clean the screen with a glasses cloth, and if I feel 'stickiness' (is that a word?) I wash my hands. Sorts it for me.
tried both of them again and again.... still the same...
I cant even play "spirit"..... SO irritating. its like a regular clean class that you try to rub with your finger --- it sticks.
I have never had that but then again from day 1 I have had a screen protector on mine, that might be why
I use a cleaning spray that I got for my glasses from my eye doctor and a microcloth to clean my iPad screen. The screen always has a smoother glide to it after I clean it this way. I have a Zagg screen protector on it too.

you can also use a window tint film cleaner.. they have some additives that makes it smooth.
as I know window cleaners are harmfull to the ipad X___x
I didnt clean it with a window cleaner for sure.
it's still the same as when I opened the topic. Maybe "sticky" is not the word, maybe I can tell this:
Its's hard to move the finger on the surface, it feels like there is a lot of friction.
Apple recommends IKLEAR for all these "I" screen types.....which they sell.
hmmm... is it the screens problem or your hand? if its your screen use a screen protector its just cheap if its your hand apply powder to
your hand (it can be any powder) this actually worked for me.
hope this helps! :thumbs:
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totoraven said:
hmmm... is it the screens problem or your hand? if its your screen use a screen protector its just cheap if its your hand apply powder to
your hand (it can be any powder) this actually worked for me.
hope this helps! :thumbs:

It may not be a good idea to use powder on your hands while using the iPad. There's too much chance of some of it coming off the hands and finding it's way inside.
if he doesnt want that option then he has no other option than buying a screen protector
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