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Ipad lost


iPF Noob
I lost my ipad.. I dont hav serial number or any ids...but i recently synchronized with my laptop..i didn't register iclouds or find my ipad . Have anyways to recover my ipad or getting serial number .. Plz help me if anyone can...
syamsankar said:
I lost my ipad.. I dont hav serial number or any ids...but i recently synchronized with my laptop..i didn't register iclouds or find my ipad . Have anyways to recover my ipad or getting serial number .. Plz help me if anyone can...

I'm afraid that you have little hope of finding your iPad. Your only hope is if it is ever brought to Apple for servicing. Report your missing iPad to the police and to Apple. It may not help, but it will be on the police hot list in case it is ever recovered.
Apple will have a record of your serial number from when you registered it with iTunes.
If you have your original box, the serial number is on the label on the back.
We have moved this to the Help Section rather than leave it in the User News Submission section. Here you should get better attention.

Good luck!

Thank you.
iPadforums Moderator | iPhoneForums Moderator
I'm not sure this will work in Windows, but on a Mac in iTunes:

Open the Preferences.

Go to the Devices tab.

You should see a list of any iOS device backups you have.

Place your cursor over the backup for your device. There is no need to click, just leave it there for a while. I small popup info box should appear with some key information about your device, including the SN and IMEI. It can be tricky, so be patient and try more than once by moving the cursor on/off the list item.


If any one can test this in Windows, it would be appreciated.
syamsankar said:
I got the serial number..can i trace my iPad ? I didn't register icloud.. I have only s/n... Plz

Theoretically, if anyone else registered your iPad with iTunes, it should be possible to detect it. I don't know how well it would work in practice, though. Make sure you give Apple the serial number of your iPad anyway, it may not help, but it certainly can't hurt. Make sure the police have the serial number, as well.

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