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Ipad instead of a casual notebook??


iPF Noob
Sep 7, 2011
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I am looking for a substitute for my casual (paper) notebook for writing the notes at the university lessons.
Do you think its possible to write notes as fast as on a regular keyboard?
Are there any good writing programs on iPad (appropriate for students)?
Is it possible to convert iPad notes to microsoft office?
I never had any product by apple (except Ipod) thats why I don't know the basic stuff about it.
Do you think iPad for a student purpose is a good idea?

Please help...
The best way would be to get something like the Zaggmate bluetooth keyboard/cover, and type them into the iPad.
It is never possible to write by hand as fast as one can type (english, anyway).
There are many, many, many threads dealing with the questions you've asked. "Search" is your friend.

You'll need to consider some of the following issues.

() If you're talking about typing notes, many people find that a bluetooth keyboard is a worthwhile accessory. Others are content with the onscreen keyboard. I type a lot. I'm in the former category.

() If you're talking about handwriting notes, there are several very powerful and many more less powerful apps. Note Taker HD, Notes Plus, and Penultimate are in the former category. Each supports both handwritten and typed notes.

() If you are a good typist you'll probably not find that handwriting is as efficient as typing. But if you have to draw diagrams, pictures, etc. the various apps can be a viable alternative to paper and pen(cil).

() The handwriting note taking apps are very impressive. But they require a lot of practice to be even remotely as efficient as a pen(cil) and paper.

() Direct saving of notes in Microsoft Office format is not possible. However, there are several multi-step procedures that enable that functionality.

() I personally think that most students are better off with a laptop than an iPad if it's their sole computing device. But as a highly portable supplement to a computer, the iPad can be extremely useful.
Do you think its possible to write notes as fast as on a regular keyboard?

If you refer to typing on the iPad screen as fast as on a regular keyboard, I find that regular keyboards are faster. I also find that a stylus-based writing app to be useful at times, but not fast.

Do you think iPad for a student purpose is a good idea?

I would not rely on the iPad as my sole computing device. If you don't have a laptop or desktop machine, I would get one of these over an iPad. However, I have found the iPad to be a wonderful addition to my laptop and desktop computers.
I think you can. But sometimes, I have off days. Last night, I was on fire and flew through a Facebook conversation with hardly any mistakes. But sometimes I'm using the backspace constantly. I do think you can, though. I bring my binder/looseleaf paper and my iPad both. .. just in case.
I use Paper Desk because it can be typed,drawn on ,handwritten,or photos on the same page.
I also have a cover for the iPad with an included note pad because sometimes I can write a note faster than open an app then add the note,very handy for fast talkers.
Hope that helps

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