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iPad 4/iOS 10 Storage Mystery


iPF Noob
Sep 30, 2018
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I own iPad 4 with iOS 10.3.3 installed. Device information tells me that out of 13.05 GB total (it is a 16GB model) only 1.37 GB are free. However, when I add together all space occupied by all programs (and their data), it all adds up only to 1.8GB. So my question is - what occupies 9.67GB of storage space and can any of them be freed up? I ran diagnostics with a third-party software and it says that only 200MB are occupied by temp files.
...I own iPad 4 with iOS 10.3.3 installed. Device information tells me that out of 13.05 GB total (it is a 16GB model) only 1.37 GB are free. However, when I add together all space occupied by all programs (and their data), it all adds up only to 1.8GB. So my question is - what occupies 9.67GB of storage space and can any of them be freed up? I ran diagnostics with a third-party software and it says that only 200MB are occupied by temp files.

Hello and welcome to the forum! :) First, noticed that despite having a 16GB model, your total available space is only 13GB, i.e. the 'lost' storage is in part being used by iOS, plus there is an 'Other' category in storage bar graphs that relate to other system files, caches, and categories not included elsewhere - see the images below from my iPad Air2 (on iOS 12.0) (first pic from my iPad's Preferences & second from the iMazing app on my laptop w/ the iDevice cabled) - note my remaining storage (about the same). There is no way that all of 'items' on your iPad add up to just 1.8GB - tell us how you calculated this amount and if possible, post a screen capture from your iPad showing the storage stats.

Second, you purchased the minimum storage available, i.e. 16 GB - a mistake in my mind w/ today's needs, e.g. photos, music, etc., BUT your iPad 4G is at the maximum iOS possible (10.3.3), so no need to upgrade which would not be possible w/ the storage left on your device - I would suggest googling 'how to reduce iPad/iPhone storage' and follow the suggestions - I'm sure that you can recover some of that space. Good luck - Dave :)
Screen Shot 2018-09-30 at 5.56.47 PM.png

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