I have an iPad 3 and am running 5.1.1. I really want to jailbreak it, but I never saved my SHSH when Apple was signing iOS 5 so now I can't save the files. I tried jailbreaking but I get an error with redsn0w and absinthe. I need to restore it, but can't because I need to update to 6.1.3. I have tried restoring from the iPad itself, but that doesn't help the errors when jailbreaking. I don't know if the battery life will be as good as 5.1.1, which I fear. I have an iPod touch 4G on 6.1.3 and the battery life is TERRIBLE. (I'm not concerned on iOS 6 features, just battery life). What have you noticed the battery life to be compared to 5.1.1? Thanks!
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