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Ipad 2 error code 9

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iPF Noob
Jan 29, 2016
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Somebody, please HELP, it seems someone else has the same problem like mine. My Ipad 2 was working fine (IOS 8...)until I decided to try set it back to factory default & update IOS, through Itunes, and in the middle of process my Ipad screen just freeze & shows a logo asking to connect the USB to Itunes, and the Itunes screen shows "error code 9". Apple's support, online & at Apple stores, suggested it was the Ipad charging port was the problem but did not suggest repair but only replace, one of the Apple genius at the store even told me that Ipad 2 was not designed to be opened & repair therefore if something wrong with the hardware the only option is to replace it. Anyway, I had the port replaced "twice" with brand new ports, the itunes never missed (before & after port replace) to recognized my Ipad (serial number shows on Itunes) but again, in the middle of the process to restore & update IOS, the error code 9 popped up again and again. Seems to me this is not the hardware problem but software instead since the Ipad was working fine before I ran the factory default restore. Anyone know a fix to this, please help, thanks.
Unfortunately iPad 2 s have a tendency to up and die. I've seen the same thing happen in 3 other iPad 2 s in my repair shop. No known cause and the evidence is anecdotal but my theory is that there is a common component failure that is causing the issue. Your iPad is likely non repairable , and it may be time to consider replacing it.
Thank you for your reply but I refuse to believe that my Ipad just die by itself because of the hardware failure, as there are others who have exactly the same problem happened to them, which is the Ipad problem just started when someone tried to do the update to IOS 9.2. from an older IOS, while before that the computer was working perfect. I do believe (with 95% sure) there is a glitch in the program from Apple that caused it, hopefully Apple would recognize this and fix the program, otherwise, I'm sure many of us will start loosing faith from Apple products. I do own other Ipad & Iphones which I keep the IOS up to date & never see this problem with them & I believe that is the clue. The problem Ipad the IOS (8...)has not updated for a while & when you tried to make a jump that's when it happened.
Google iPad DFU mode and if you have access to a Mac with iTunes , try that. If you only have access to a PC and the PC is running Windows 10 , you may have to uninstall iTunes and reinstall it. There is a glitch that prevents iTunes from " seeing iOS devices " in Windows 10. If DFU mode doesn't solve your problem then it is the hardware issue like I mentioned before. If you do find a solution , please come back and let us know as I have 2 iPad 2s here that are dead under the same circumstance , one from before iOS 8.
Hi Thoang. See the thread here called "keep getting error 9 or 3194" to which I have just posted twice today. You are not alone, indeed although I didn't mention it earlier my iPAD was IOS v8.4 but reverted to 4.3.3 on a factory reset and then went into the cycle you have...as has happened to others in that thread too. It is NOT a hardware problem or a USB cable problem, however Apple support on the phone reacted the same to me as they did to you! See my posts earlier for detail, however I guess I'll have to go to the Genius bar (long drive!) clutching a print of these threads to convince them it is not a sudden hardware fault on resetting to factory default!!! Good luck too!
Hi Thoang. See the thread here called "keep getting error 9 or 3194" to which I have just posted twice today. You are not alone, indeed although I didn't mention it earlier my iPAD was IOS v8.4 but reverted to 4.3.3 on a factory reset and then went into the cycle you have...as has happened to others in that thread too. It is NOT a hardware problem or a USB cable problem, however Apple support on the phone reacted the same to me as they did to you! See my posts earlier for detail, however I guess I'll have to go to the Genius bar (long drive!) clutching a print of these threads to convince them it is not a sudden hardware fault on resetting to factory default!!! Good luck too!
Ok, this thread is oooooolllllldd, but Go check Barry’s comment on this thread: SOLVED: How to fix iTunes error 9 - iPad

Seems we have convincing truth that apple is obsoleting it’s hardware on purpose through it’s updates (again…). Someone should bring this to court. Btw, I’m trying to fix an old iPad 2 using Google translate on that chinese site right now. Reply to this post if you want to know how it went.
This thread is from 2016, as you‘ve noticed. The OP didn‘t return since his/her last post.
I‘m not interested in the end of your attempt, btw.
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