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I'm sure it's been asked before, but what are the cons of jailbreaking ipad?

There aren't any, any anyone who tells you otherwise is lying. Some have said there is a virus threat to jailbroken iPhones, but if you get infected just restore it. It doesn't void your warranty to jailbreak because you can ALWAYS restore it to factory defaults through iTunes. The only way it could ever void your warranty is if you took it in for service and they noticed it was jailbroken, don't be a dummy and restore it before taking it to the store.

Unless you are a complete and utter moron, there isn't any reason not to jailbreak your iPad or iPhone.
Pro: you can run programs not approved by Apple.
Con: You are vulnerable to bugs and issues from apps you download. You also can void your warranty.
I jailbroke my 3gs and as a result my battery doesn't last nearly as long. Regardless, I don't regret jailbraking. Does anyone know if this is the case with jailbraking iPad?
I jailbroke my 3gs and as a result my battery doesn't last nearly as long. Regardless, I don't regret jailbraking. Does anyone know if this is the case with jailbraking iPad?

It depends what apps you run. I believe at there is one that let's you run stuff in the background. That could eat up your battery if the background apps are busy.

I jailbroke my 3gs and as a result my battery doesn't last nearly as long. Regardless, I don't regret jailbraking. Does anyone know if this is the case with jailbraking iPad?

I feel like I have longer battery life since I jail broke, but I think it's really because I started operating at a lower brightness.
I was quite the nervous nelly before i jailbroke mine, but it was pretty easy. The only problem I have is not knowing too much about the apps available on Cydia and Rock. But I haven't had time to do much research, so that's more of a personal matter.
Jailbreaking my iPad was the very first thing I did, just as it was with my iPhone. By now it's become a 1 step process and "I don't know if I can..." is no longer a viable excuse.

First I hit up the Cydia store and grabbed a few free, cool mods including winterboard for theming my device (I don't like labels on my dock icons) and dashboard which is a cool panel that brings up your widgets from wherever you are. I also got some free mods that solve some of the limitations of the device. Backgrounder now gives me seamless backgrounding of apps, Activator allows me to enable backgrounding and dashboard with a variety of gestures such as pinch, and swipe down from statusbar.
Also! Safari download plugin will allow you to download most file types right within safari. Pair it up with ifile, and now you can browse your device to use those downloaded files. This means you can download mp3's and play them all on the device, no touching iTunes. I'm not even going to go into things like sbsettings, dtunes, pwntunes and so much more. Besides the fact that the whole thing is 100% reversible in ~10 minutes....

Bottom line: If you're not jailbroken, you're missing out. Trust me.
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Besides the fact that the whole thing is 100% reversible in ~10 minutes....

Bottom line: If you're not jailbroken, you're missing out. Trust me.

I have two concerns with jailbreaking. Perhaps you can help make them go away :)

1) Loss of data: I know I need to backup before jailbreaking and my data will be preserved in case I have a problem and need to reset. The concern is really more for reversing the jail break. If I use it for a few months and then want to reverse it do I still keep my application data (e.g. saved games)?
2) I've read stuff about having to back up some sort of iPad ID using a server or something. What is the situation that would make that important?

EDIT for 2 it looks like this step is to avoid being unable to revert back if you are upgraded to a new OS that is not jail broken.

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