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iCloud doesn't sync documents & data any more on iPad 3


iPF Noob
Hello everybody,

first at all sorry for potentially bad english as I am no native speaker:o

Now to my problem:

Until recently, Safari links, Contacts, Calendar, Photo Stream as well as Documents & Data were perfectly syncing over iCloud between my iPhone 4s and my iPad 3 (both run iOS 5.1.1, no Jailbreak).

I have changed no iCloud related settings on my iPad, but meanwhile the Documents & Data sync doesn't work any more (i.e. all the documents have disappeared). However, Safari links, Contacts, etc. still syncs fine. Also, on my iPhone the Documents & Data sync still works.

As several apps, both by Apple (Numbers, Keynote, Pages) and by 3rd parties (Goodreader etc.) are affected, I would assume that it is not a problem related to a particular app but to either the iPad itself or iCloud.

What I have checked so far:
  • I have a working internet connection over WLAN and the battery is close to 100%
  • Settings -> iCloud -> Documents & Data is switched on
  • Settings -> Numbers, Keynote, Pages -> use iCloud is switched on
  • Settings -> iCloud -> Storage & Backup -> Manage Storage shows that the documents are still in iCloud and that my iPad can "see" that they are in iCloud
  • When logging into iCloud with my PC I can also see that the documents are there
What else I have tried so far to solve the problem:
  • Switched iCloud off and on again in Settings -> iCloud
  • Switched "use iCloud" off and on again in Settings -> Numbers, Keynote, Pages
  • Removed Numbers, Keynote and Pages and reinstalled them
Has anybody else encountered a similar problem?

Does anybody know a way to get my iPad sync documents with iCloud again without having to set it up again from scratch or restoring it from a previous backup?

Thank you a lot in advance

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I have had the same problems since the very beginning of purchasing my iPad 3. It all seemed to work just fine with the iPad 1, but from there, it has NEVER worked. I have been to the Apple Store many times, but they cannot fix it and just say it is an issue with the iCloud and the only way to fix it is reset it. I asked them if this was something I was supposed to do on a daily basis? They grimaced and sort of shook their heads. This has never changed. I have even received a new iPad from Apple to replace my original iPad, minus the inscription on the back of the first one... No iWork documents sync after about the first 10 docs. It is as if it gets confused. I try to use it on about two 10.8 macs as well as one Mac Book (10.8) as well as the iPad. Reset, and it works for about a day. I have been told by an apple store Genius that the pList files inside the iPad get corrupted, but there is no way to fix these short of deleting the app and then reinstalling it. Try doing that on a daily basis...

Do anyone have any insights? The best I can do is use a WebDAV service such as OTIXO to access my docs through Box.Net

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