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iBooks for iPad


iPF Noob
Hi all.... since this is the anything goes part of this site I'll ask this anything goes question......

anyone know of a place where iBooks could be downloaded to the iPad, for free?

Like a news service like Giganews?

Thanks much.....
I believe that there are free books available through the iBooks app Gutenburg Project catalog. These are out-of-copyright or non-copyright titles, so you won't get anything from the bestsellers list.

And please don't bring up that scam site that charges $50.00 for the information that I just gave you.

Thanks for the info. I will look into it.

Also what site are you referring to that costs $50.00?
And please don't bring up that scam site that charges $50.00 for the information that I just gave you.

That information was valuable. I was always thinking, what is behind that obvious scammer. Thanks for sharing.

BTW, there are a lot of the Gutenberg books even in the iBook-Store.

One tip here:

As the free books don't come with proper covers, I pull up the information about the free book in iTunes and copy and paste the covers from amazon.com
Hi all.... since this is the anything goes part of this site I'll ask this anything goes question......

anyone know of a place where iBooks could be downloaded to the iPad, for free?

Like a news service like Giganews?

Thanks much.....
FYI We call them ebooks not ibooks . Ibooks is the software reading application from Apple for the iPad.

iMade a mistake calling them iBooks. iWill be better in the future.

:D I did not mean to be brutal and I'm sorry if it came out that way. Your original question was confusing to me unitl I found out what you meant...;)

Don't worry about it. I was not offended. I am glad you corrected me. Now I can call them what they are.... eBooks.

Not mad at all......

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Thanks for the info. I will look into it.

Also what site are you referring to that costs $50.00?

This forum has been often spammed by people trying to earn a comission from iPadmedia.com or some such name. The unwary who fail to read the TOS find out that they've just spent $50. for freely available info.

Oh, and by the way, if you download the Kindle book app for iPad you will find free books there, too. Amazon gives away recent titles on a regular basis and makes out of copyright titles available all the time. One possible drawback is that an Amazon account is needed, but since I already have a Kindle it's a natural for me.
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iBooks itself has about 30,000 free books (mostly classics) and so does Amazon through the Kindle app. I think the iBook ones are better.
Hi! Im planning to download some ebooks not from iTunes.how can I Sync it to my iPad? :)
I am really not seeing where you can download FREE eBooks from either eBook.com or iBook.com.

On your iPad, go into iBooks Store. Type "free" in the search box.

Same thing with the Kindle app.

Mostly classics and crappy romance novels, a few teaser excerpts..

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