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I have a few specific questions


iPF Noob
Feb 1, 2010
Reaction score
Texas Hill Country
I already use the wireless keyboard with my iMac. Will I be able to use the same keyboard with the iPad? ... Say, if I put it in the docking station? I see there is going to be a docking station with a keyboard attached, but I'm wondering about the plain one.
Also, how does the iPad link to a printer?
I already use the wireless keyboard with my iMac. Will I be able to use the same keyboard with the iPad? ... Say, if I put it in the docking station? I see there is going to be a docking station with a keyboard attached, but I'm wondering about the plain one.
Also, how does the iPad link to a printer?

Im pretty sure that that will not work for it unfortunalty. Theres a spot where you connect the printer to. Like a computer would have.
Is your keyboard bluetooth or require a usb dongle?

I haven't read or seen anything on how printing will work yet. It's something I'll have to do some research on. You got me curious now!

I already use the wireless keyboard with my iMac. Will I be able to use the same keyboard with the iPad? ... Say, if I put it in the docking station? I see there is going to be a docking station with a keyboard attached, but I'm wondering about the plain one.
Also, how does the iPad link to a printer?
News reports talking about enterprise support say that wireless printing will be in the shipping version as will full Exchange functionality for address book, calendar and mail. I imagine you'll be able to print to any printer shared from a Mac or PC or on something like an Airport Express or Extreme base station.
I think it uses Bluetooth. I bought it at the Apple Store when I got my iMac, and it is a Mac product. I'm hoping since I think it uses Bluetooth, that it will work with the iPad.:confused:
I am want to know if Apple plans on allowing the ipad to be expandable (e.g- are user going to be allowed to increase the flash drive size with something larger). I'm a photographer and would love to take the ipad travelling and download my photos on the ipad. But 64gigs is to small (especially while shooting RAW). Maybe a 128 or 250 gig flash. :D. I do have a laptop but for mobility this ipad fits the bill.
From what I have seen the new bluetooth keyboard will work with the ipad. I would be nice to be able to plug in a external HD to store data on,or access it.
My Mac wireless keyboard has no plug-in spots. Just a tube to put in the batteries. The case is a single slab of aluminum with holes in it for the keys to fit through. Real basic & simple.
In looking at the iLounge photos of the dock with keyboard, the keyboard looks just like my wireless keyboard, just a little newer and with a few different logo's on the f-keys. Could it be that they put the wireless keyboard on the dock, but took out the batteries?
Another question; looking at the back of the plain dock, I see 2 holes. One is "in-line" I guess for sound. What is the other one for? I couldn't read the label, but I'm guessing that the power plug sticks in there, then to the wall plug - right?

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