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I can't find one! Suggestions?


iPF Noob
Jun 14, 2010
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I am not sure where to post this. I purchased an Ipad for Father's Day at the Apple Store. Later in the day I double checked the confirmation email and noticed it is on back order! When I paid for it, it said it shipped in 7 days. Does anyone know where I can find one before Father's Day? Or, am I better just to keep the order from Apple and wait for it?

I am a bit embarrassed that I didn't realize they were selling out so fast! I called a couple stores today and they said they never know when they are coming in and they won't hold anything once they come in....

Thanks in advance for your suggestions.
They're backordered. You can buy them on eBay for an extremely inflated price.
I bought mine from an Apple store in Colorado Springs, CO yesterday. You may want to check a local inventory.

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