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How many opted for Applecare for their new iPad 2.

I buy plans on almost anything over $100 - particularly on printers. I've gotten my money back more often than not on those.

I don't buy AppleCare for mobile devices though - you're more likely to have an accident, especially if you use it in public a lot. I've used Squaretrade for both my iPhones (3G, 4) and now both my iPads. The peace of mind, knowing that any accident (including water damage) is covered, is a big plus for me.
Futurebird said:
I didn't bother. I have SquareTrade. I have never had an Apple product fail... but I have spilled coffee on a few aluminum keyboards. I've also drop a laptop while getting off a train. Apple Care won't cover what I fear most... and what I see as the greatest danger to my iPad... clumsy me!

I agree! My credit card doubles the original warranty, but would not cover drops because the original warranty does not cover it.

When I ordered I had a coupon, so it was about $75 and it included a free automatic buyback program.

Sent from my iPad 2 using iPF
Those warranties are dodgy in my experience, ESP in gray areas like batteries
Yep......... just covers manufacturers warranty contract.
"Something is better than nothing!"

Just an FYI for what ever it's worth. Consumer Reports has never recommend an extended warranty on anything, any time accept for Apple Care. I believe that this was a general recommendation and not product specific. The reason was the tremendous service that Apple provided in order to support the extended warranty......

Sent from my iPad using iPF
This is directed at those who are trying to decide if it's worth the gamble to buy the extended warranty or not. I've already stated my opinion it's not, but I know many disagree and I respect everyone's decision.
If you are still on the fence ask yourself this, would you say Apple builds devices that are unreliable and prone to failure, or do you trust in the level of craft and workmanship that goes into each Apple product?
One last question to ask yourself, are you accident prone, plan on many people besides yourself using your iPad?
The answer to those questions should help anyone who can't decide on what to do.
Consumer Reports has never recommend an extended warranty on anything, any time accept for Apple Care. I believe that this was a general recommendation and not product specific. The reason was the tremendous service that Apple provided in order to support the extended warranty....../QUOTE]

I can only concur... the warranty service is above and beyond. The Apple non warranty service is also great but with a 'great' price. I stay with my point... if you have an apple device with batteries which are not user serviceable, you will get your money back every time!

I've never seen the point of extended warranties. Every manufacturer gives you a year by default but living in the uk you get 2 years by law and in most eu countries you could argue it's 6 years for a product like this.

Companies expect you not to know this so try and sell you there warranty as a hastle free way of replacing your product should it fail on it's own. Insuring against theft and accidental damage is a bit different and I'd consider it as I have Dropped my phone once or twice.

It might be worth checking your local laws to see if you have a similar law.
I've gotten Apple Care on all my computers when available. I didn't. Quite get my money's worth on my PowerBook G4, but my Mac Pro(tower) has already had a SuperDrive and it'd graphics card replaced(although I think the card was already under a general recall), outside the standard year but with the 3 of extended. Apple Care is like insurance. Apple bets your shit wont break, you bet it will :p

I did not get Apple Care for my iPod Touch but I have for my iPad. It is quite a bit larger and being used in environments where accidents to large objects are a deal more common, hundreds of kid age 5-10 ;) Not that I intend to let anything happen to it.
I got the Worth Ave. Group insurance. I don't usually get extended warranties on anything but this time I decided to protect my almost $900 purchase. The size, intended use and value of the iPad is what influence my decision the most. I picked the Worth insurance because it covers the loss of you iPad. When the year is up on the Apple warranty I might get AppleCare because the Worth insurance is just accident and loss insurance and won't help with an iPad malfunction. May God protect our iPads!
I don't get warranties for things without moving parts. They tend to arrive DOA or not fail for years and years. Washing machine - that's a different story. LED TV - no warranty.
You're absolutely right

Just an FYI for what ever it's worth. Consumer Reports has never recommend an extended warranty on anything, any time accept for Apple Care. I believe that this was a general recommendation and not product specific. The reason was the tremendous service that Apple provided in order to support the extended warranty......

Sent from my iPad using iPF

I couldn't agree more. It's not a question as to whether or not I should get AppleCare when purchasing new Apple devices but when (how soon after the purchase). Their support (even non hardware related) is indeed stellar. It' been my experience that in the number of calls/contacts I've made to Applecare, the non hardware issues outnumber the hardware issues.
Yes, I bought Applecare for my iPad 2 for $79 at the time of purchase. I tend to be a little clumsy with things sometimes and also this is my first of its kind Apple purchase, so I am conservative. I take the device in my golf cart for the Golfshot GPS function and that is a bit of extra exposure; I do have a large ziplock bag in case of rain.:) This device grows on you....

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