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How many megapixles is the back camera?


iPF Noob
Jun 27, 2011
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I am not happy with the photos the ipad2 makes with the back camera. I at least thought I would get iPhone quality at least the 3G version. All my photos are noisy and blurry. Even in sunlight. anyone else have this issue???
There are many discussions about the iPad camera on this Forum so please feel free to have a look at them. The iPad's rear camera has approximately 1 Mpixel resolution compared to the iPhone's 5 Mpixel camera. It was intended for HD video applications and not, primarily, for still pictures. The resolution of the camera is the same on all iPad2s - it's not related in any way to whether it's a 3G version of the iPad.

The resolution of the camera is the same on all iPad2s - it's not related in any way to whether it's a 3G version of the iPad.

I suspect the OP meant 3G iPhone not 3G iPad. If they did I agree my 3G (iPhone) camera is way better than my 3G (iPad) camera) but as I and many others have pointed out the iPad camera was never intended as a quality camera it's for video and Facetime type apps.
Lol a senior moment now I have never heard that one Do you get discount at the movies when it happens..

Yes I want to buy a ticket to transformers 4. ... I am having a senior moment do I get a seniors discount.

No sir you can sit on the floor with the others .. Here are your 3 D glasses..

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