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Hello from RedBird18


iPF Noob
Feb 17, 2010
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I'm hoping to use iPads for my sales force. Keynote demos etc. Most of what we do is online and I'm imagining we will be able to access our databases and use them as we do now.
Sales force use for Ipad

I'm hoping to use iPads for my sales force. Keynote demos etc. Most of what we do is online and I'm imagining we will be able to access our databases and use them as we do now.

Welcome here Red Bird , the only problem i can see is the format of you're data base but if that work with Iphone i guess will be the same for Ipad with the joy of a more fast device and bigger screen.

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Welcome to the site RedBird, the iPad sounds like a good solution. I can actually see this becoming a huge POS terminal. Imagine waiters having the touch screen at their fingertips for ordering at your table and not having to go to a central terminal to enter the order.

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