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iPF Noob
Jul 20, 2010
Reaction score
Saint Louis, MO
I purchased an Ipad a few months ago, the 32 gig, WiFi Only version...

I really only purchased it for demo'ing my photography portfolio to clients, and watching the occasional movie / listening to music on a plane...

I'm pretty much a newbie to Apple products...

thanks, this seems like a pretty cool site..
It's cool but we're a hot headed bunch of radical fanbois really :)
The great thing is that there is always something new to learn about our gadget.

Macworld has a review of a new photo editing app Photogene for iPad Review | iPad Photography App | Macworld that may be of interest to you.

Also there are few photography buffs on the forums so be sure to search for older postings.
Lol so Hasty... i shouldnt mention that 99% of the time i use it.... i have it.tethered through my Evo 4g? Lol

Can you tether an iPad through and iPhone?

(Just got my iPad with wifi only last week.)

I don't THINK you can use your iPhone as a hotspot.... even if you hold the phone right ;) lol...

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