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new to apple products. just purchased a 32 gig ipad for use out of town. great little machine so far. got the case, seems ok. wireless keyboard, it is way better than the screen pad. checking on some apps, purchased a chess game, good time killer on the plane today, and listening to music at the same time;
Welcome Kimberley!

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I highly recommend the app:

"Tips & Tricks - iPad Edition"

for only .99 cents in the App Store. There are so many great little secrets in that guide that even after all this time of heavy usage (I got my iPad the first couple days it came out) I still keep it installed for reference. Tips like "hold in the .com button to bring up other options like .net, .org, etc" have really saved me time. :) And no I'm not the app developer but I thought it was worth it.

Also, if you download the iBooks app for free, the iPad user guide/manual is also a free download as an eBook for that app (from within the app go to the eBook store and it's usually located as one of the top free eBooks).

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PS - I also use the iPad for travel, it is an amazing time killer on the plane. Several flights I have even wished that the flight was a little longer so I could finish my movie/game.
Welcome Kimberly! I have already taken my iPad on one trip and have two more upcoming. It was made for travel (and for home, school, meetings, and everything else).

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