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Have you sold your iPad ?


iPF Noob
Aug 30, 2011
Reaction score
Are many of you selling your iPads early In preperation for the iPad 3 release?

If so, list which model and how much you got for it.

Sold mine on eBay today.

iPad 1 Wifi only 16gb - £250 / $396
Give not sell.

"Are many of you selling your iPads early In preperation for the iPad 3 release?

If so, list which model and how much you got for it.

Sold mine on eBay today.

iPad 1 Wifi only 16gb - £250 / $396"

Will get the new iPad when it cames out. Have a iPad2 64gb 3G.
Will go to a friend who could use it but can't afford one.
Gave my First Generation iPad to my sister back in November.

Was waiting to see what iPad 3 will be like before decicing to get one or get an android tablet. I decided this week that I'll be getting the iPad 3. Now I just have to wait.
Just sold my iPad 2 on gazelle.com got a great price for it AND a 30 day guarantee. Where I can keep my device for a month until I get my new ipad 3. I'm happy!!!
IF I pop for a new iPad 3 I will sell may iPad 2 to one of my two adult daughters for a great price. This of course, will cause a rift in the family dynamics and the one will hate the other. Now if my wife does the same thing, we're covered.
If you do decide to sell, is there a way to permanently delete any personal data from it in such a way that it can't be accessed by the buyer?

I have a lot of work stuff on mine which is confidential.
Quicksilver71 said:
If you do decide to sell, is there a way to permanently delete any personal data from it in such a way that it can't be accessed by the buyer?

I have a lot of work stuff on mine which is confidential.

Connect your iPad to iTunes and restore to stock (don't pick the option to restore from a backup). You will then have a clean iPad.

The Archangel

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