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Happy or unhappy with ipad?


iPF Noob
May 3, 2010
Reaction score
san francisco
Hello all,
I'm still waiting for my ipad to come in by FedEx as I am tracking it like every day. When I bought my itouch about a year ago, I used it for like 4 to 5 months and just stopped using it because I was thinking it was getting played out. My question is for you guys who already got your ipad, are you guys happy with your purchase and use it everyday like it wont get played out? Cause I tend to get bored of things really quickly. Hopefully I'll fall in love with this device. Can anyone share a similar story or an opinion this will be the one for me. Thanks!
Still happy but I guess different people have different needs so it is hard to predict how you will feel.
It will do what it is meant to do. If that fits your needs, great, otherwise you will be bored. If you bought it just to buy it because it's new, you'll be selling it shortly after you get it. If you haven't even gotten the device yet and you are questioning your purchase already, that tells me you didn't think your purchase through all the way and will most likely be disappointed just like with your touch.
If I get bored with email and music and movies, TV, news, radio and the Internet I'll never use the iPad again.
As long as a person has realistic expectations, it will meet most needs. It is a neat mix of iPod Touch and laptop. It has a bright future, but Gen 1 is always Gen 1.
Although I might have a slight doubt about this spending almost 6 bills, I am very excited to receive it. I feel like a kid again. haha!
I check email every day. With an Ipad I do not have to wait for the pc to boot up.

I also check a couple of websites every day and again, the iPad is a convenient way to do that.

If I am already sitting at the computer it does not matter but when I am sitting in my den or bedroom it is nice to have the ipad on the table next to me.

I also read books, magazines and news almost every day and the iPad has all these Normal day to day things in one handheld package.

It also does a few other neat tricks but the are just bonuses.

Oh, and I like netflix.
Love it.
It's joy to use in bed compared to a laptop.
Situp with a cup of tea and browse the headlines......

It's dusk here now and I'm surfing the net in the garden with a beer while the bats are flittering overhead. Magical........
I've got to admit that at first I was disappointed. Then I jail broke it and asked a million questions on forums and love it. I just wish you coiled play things that need adobe flash.
I'm somewhat disappointed, I wish it did flash! Can't play chess on yahoo and lots of vid sites don't play vids.

But I'm also satisfied as it is great for surfing the web, portable and stable os..

Worth the money i guess, depends what u want out of it..

Could be a lot better, when google makes an android tablet I'm sure it will do flash and a lot of other things iPad won't do, then this iPad may go on eBay.
Extremely happy. I use it for both personal and business and couldn't be happier. I can now do almost everything electronically, making life a lot easier.
I'm just as happy with my iPad as I was on the day FedX brought it to my door. And if I ever get a low point, I just download another App:). That's what I call my iFix :)
some Internet frustration over Flash

This is my first apple product and I really like it, but today was on three web sites where I got the dreaded "you must have Flash player to view this content" and all I could think about was Jobs intractable stance on the issue and my inability to view a site.

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