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Unhappy app store customer


iPF Noob
Dec 26, 2011
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Im tired of discovering great apps and then being asked to create an account to use it. If it asks me to create an account it gets deleted. You should at least be offered the option to use the app without creating an account. I can see creating an account for apps that deal with personal financial info or other personal info but thats about it. Im fed up with utility apps and games that force you to make an account so you can share it on facebook or some other ridiculous networking site. I want to play the game or create the shopping list or edit a photo, etc. Im sticking to the plain old built in notepad. Serves the purpose. The app store needs to enforce some stronger regulations for app creators when it comes to personal info and options. I love my ipad and use it constantly. Ive only had it for 2 months but i have deleted a heck of alot of apps for this very reason. Thanks to the creators who have come out with great apps that i use daily while managing to respect my privacy. Wish there were more like you!
I don't like creating unnecessary accounts either. Depends on what the app is, and whether I think their request is valid. If not and I still want to use the app, I have a trash email account that I never check and I set up such accounts with that email address. I also give all sorts of bogus info about address, age, sex, etc., if I think the info request is crap. In some instances, I let companies know if I think their request is crap, because it's unlikely they will change if they don't even know why customers are boycotting their services.
this will be different for everyone.

I have no problems creating accounts for apps, what I have problems with is apps that force social network accounts.
Its one thing for an app to require an account for better over all experience in the app, its another when they require social network accounts because they tend to only use the social networks for free advertisement. They want to send out messages supposedly from you telling all your friends that you are using their app in the hopes your friends will then start using the app.
Wow. I must be lucky. I've never had an app that insisted on an account, or that I enter a social account. Not unless that account was vital to how the app works, like Evernote or DropBox. No point in even bothering with those unless you're going to get the account.
this will be different for everyone.

I have no problems creating accounts for apps, what I have problems with is apps that force social network accounts.
Its one thing for an app to require an account for better over all experience in the app, its another when they require social network accounts because they tend to only use the social networks for free advertisement. They want to send out messages supposedly from you telling all your friends that you are using their app in the hopes your friends will then start using the app.
Agreed, I ditched my FB account for that reason, I did not need or care to know about all that stuff....
From my experience, the iTunes account does nothing other than provide a mechanism to buy apps. As with everything else today, they will offer options for FB, Twitter, etc. because so many people demand it. The main reason I know of for knowing your email address is for your safety. Whenever you order an app, you have an account, even if you pay by an iTunes debit card. They will then send you an email within a few days to et you know your account has been charged. Otherwise, you could have a huge bill run up by a hacker. Even the strongest security can be hacked. If they can hack banks, government, and virus protection makers, you know that your security is not.

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