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iPad Maps


iPF Noob
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
rural eastern CT
I'm a longtime apple user, both mac and iphone.
I have a new job as a courier for FedEx Express. Most of the guys pull out paper maps to find new addresses. at night you need a light etc.
So I am thinking of using an iPad. Can't use gps, as I have to see where the new stop is in relation to where I am and where I'm going. one huge feature is street names are easier to read and of course no light required. typing in a street and zip may be shorter timewise than looking up an index and grid location.
Before I go spend 729.00 I wanted to get others opinion on the idea...
also of any better mapping programs than the built in Maps.......
Hello DFDureiko! welcome to the forum

Congratulations on getting a new job with FEDEX. I am in Indiana, so I was intrigued with your location "rural eastern Connecticut" I never imagined there are rural places in New England, but then again, I know there are some historic farms in your area so, duh!

I think the iPad would really help you with finding your location and the next place that you want to be. You have to get an ipad with 3G and an application like MotionXgps. This is the app I use in rural Indiana when I wander the back roads and by-ways of my state looking for decrepit old barns. With 3G, I can easily find my way. Google Earth and the Maps app that comes with the iPad are also good--at least better than paper maps. Here is a picture from MotionXGPS of rural eastern CT. If I was east of Norwich, Ct, this app is capable of locating me using cellphone towers and satellite. The wifi iPad does not have this ability.

I would second MattIM's thoughts. I actually used both MotionX products as well as the included Maps app while in eastern CT (my sister lives in Canterbury and used to live in Baltic so we were all over the area). Used the MotionXGPS and MotionXGPS Drive this summer while visiting her. Both products worked very well. The included Maps App was also pretty good. I think it would be a good purchase with a nice mount system.
I was just thinking, can you use the ipad as a satnav system? would be great to have a big screen like that in your car!
I was just thinking, can you use the ipad as a satnav system? would be great to have a big screen like that in your car!

althought I just thought, is there a compas on the ipad, afaik its only on the 3gs and iphone 4
Yes, you can use the iPad as a

Compass. I have 3G and if I have motionXgps running I can get the navigation pointer turning like a compass.
thanks for the responses, but I have nav in my iPhone and Garmin. What I want to do, is pull up a map of a town..input street address and zip, and drop a pin. then Look to see where the pins are in relation to each other.....and decide where to go first.
Today I used my iPhone, it worked but can't see the whole town with street names! and I don't know how to drop pins and have them labeled?
can that be done.......I figure it will take just as long to do that as find it on a map and highlight it......and at night no flashlight required!
MotionX also allows you to download maps beforehand, so you don't have to worry about having 3G on. You would still need the 3G model, however. I have both the MotionX apps mentioned and use them quite a bit. Also, the MotionX GPS app is quite good with Geocaching.
I think the ipad would be just the tool you need. Frankly the Maps app that comes with iPad will most likely work for you.. That said I have MotionX on both my iphone and ipad.. Works like a charm. Congrads on the new job. Former New Haven resident here.
anyone know how to drop mulitple pins?
imput street address zip drop pin......for a total of 15 to 20 pins? so far playing in the store with the iPad and my iPhone 3GS, I can't figure out how to drop more than one

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