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Google Earth


iPF Noob
Feb 20, 2012
Reaction score
I'm new to this site so if I'm doing something wrong, please let me know.
I want to use Google Earth on the iPAD. The reviews on the App Store are quite mixed. There isn't much middle ground - either 1 or 5. It sounds like there some technical problems with the newest version, 6.1.0. I'm surprised that there is no discussion on this site.
Does anyone have any word on Earth?
Works fine for me.

It's free. Get it, try it, don't like it, delete it. Simple.
I followed the path suggested by Kaykaykay. It seems to work fine although I haven't used much of it, yet.

Now I want to upload a file from my PC GE to my iPAD GE. I have tried some things from an old thread but haven't had complete success. Anybody had experience with this?
If you look under Layers you will see a My Maps option. It requires that you have a My Maps account with Google. Once you do you should be able to use it view the custom map files generated by Google Earth.

I've never actually used this feature, so YMMV.
May anybody explain why it is missing frmo Russian AppStore? And what will happen if i download it while somewhere abrad?
Different apps are available in different stores. This can be for a variety of reasons. The first is the developer, who decides what stores they will place their app on. The second is copyright and international laws/regulations. Given the nature of the Google Earth app it is probably some fiddly regulation. Lots of governments have expressed irritation over Google's map software and privacy, or other issues.

It is possible to get a second account in another country. I should probably book mark one of the better threads, since this comes up so often, but a search for making accounts in other countries (the U.S. being the most common, and U.K. running a close second) should turn up the instructions.

Once you have a second Apple ID, you need to be careful to track what apps you get from what country. They can only be updated using the account they were purchased with.

Also, if Russia is serious about blocking Google Earth, they would probably do some IP blocking as well, which would stop the app from working even if you had it. I've never heard of this happening in Russia, so I suspect it's not an issue; but you may want to consult with someone who knows more on the subject before wasting your time.
twerppoet, when I got my iPad, I was advised not to put South Africa as my country, but Kenya, as this would apparently open up more scope for downloads, especially Amazon. Would this be a possibilty that I now cannot download Google Earth?
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I'm not familiar with any Store but the U.S. App Store. If Google Earth is not available in the Kenya store you can set up a U.S. account (or pretty much any other country) without credit card information.

Here is the link: Creating an iTunes Store, App Store, iBookstore, and Mac App Store account without a credit card

You'll need a local address. Many use one of the Apple Store addresses. They're easy enough to look up. You'll also need an email address that plausibly goes with the country in question. GMail usually works for this.

If you want to get paid apps you'll need to stock the account with an iTunes Gift card. These can be purchased online from various sources; so I'm told.

Be careful to keep track of what apps you buy in what store. You'll need to sign into the App Store with the correct account in order to update it later.

Hold in mind that the app Google Earth has to access Google's map servers. If they being blocked from your region for some reason then having the app wont do you any good. I'm not aware of any blocking like this happening for Kenya, but I'm not terribly well informed about global politics.

Good luck.
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Ok, I'm new here and with my iPad 2 non 3G. I love GE on my PC and have used Overlays extensively. Anyone have advice on how to best get my overlays t work on the iPad APP? In the MY MAPS online where you must upload a KLM it only allows for 3MB files. Not enough for overlays. Help! IS there a KMZ converted to KLM tool? AND how does one ADD a Map created by someone else by typing in a URL? I can't seem to fine any correct URL directly lined to a map to upload or link to. HELP!

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