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Gift iPad to Someone without credit card?


iPF Novice
My mother refuses to own a credit card since she got into finacial trouble when she was younger. I thought about buying her an iPad mini for Christmas but in order for her to use it she has to have payment information & a way to pay for apps during set up. I could get her one of those prepaid Visa cards but she would have no way to add more cash to it. Is there a way to use an iPad without payment information?

My mother refuses to own a credit card since she got into finacial trouble when she was younger. I thought about buying her an iPad mini for Christmas but in order for her to use it she has to have payment information & a way to pay for apps during set up. I could get her one of those prepaid Visa cards but she would have no way to add more cash to it. Is there a way to use an iPad without payment information? Thanks
You can use iTunes gift cards to pay for iTunes and AppStore purchases. Here's how to redeem iTunes gift cards on the iPad. http://support.apple.com/kb/ht1574

Here's how to set up an iTunes account without a credit card. http://support.apple.com/kb/ht2534
I use an Apple iTunes or Apps card. They can be bought anywhere for as little as $15. During set up when you are asked for choice of credit card check "None" and have an iTunes card ready to redeem. Buy more cards as needed and redeem at the bottom of the screen when at the App or iTunes Store
Wow! I thought you HAD to have a credit card to set up an account!! Now to decide if my mom will actually be able to figure out how to USE an iPAd!! Thanks guys!!!
Wow! I thought you HAD to have a credit card to set up an account!! Now to decide if my mom will actually be able to figure out how to USE an iPAd!! Thanks guys!!!

She'll be fine. If there is one thing about iPads it's that they are pretty easy to use and get accustomed to. I can also confirm the steps above being the correct way to create an account without a credit card. I did that for my daughters.
She'll be fine. If there is one thing about iPads it's that they are pretty easy to use and get accustomed to. I can also confirm the steps above being the correct way to create an account without a credit card. I did that for my daughters.

You don't know my MOm!!! She has a hard time figuring out a new microwave...and her new Keurig took WEEKS for her to figure out!!!
Wow! I thought you HAD to have a credit card to set up an account!! Now to decide if my mom will actually be able to figure out how to USE an iPAd!! Thanks guys!!!

Hi Mike--

My mom was the same way. She took a great liking to her iPad 2 when she got it about a year ago. Prior to that we had a desktop and a laptop for my parents, but they just didn't get it. It was the iPad that open the doors for both of them. I believe your mom will really enjoy it. My mom is no expert on it. Yes, she calls me or my nephew often if there's a problem...but all in all, she just loves it. She now sports an iPad mini which she loves too!

Let us know what your outcome is! Would love to hear what she thinks of it! :)
Mike, I'm an old lady, 75. I don't do anything fancy but my iPad is a joy. Just taking pictures of the grandkids or a quilt I'm making (no fancy pics) is very satisfying. Reading on line is wonderful. Your mom will figure it out and love it.

FYI, My technophobe mom is 78 and has been thinking of getting a iPad for a while. A few months ago she broke down and got one at a non-apple but fruit named Mac store and signed up for their training at the same time. For (I think) $75 she gets a years worth of one on one training that she schedules online. So far she has been to there sessions and absolutely loves both the training and her iPad. The sessions are not scripted and they work on whatever she wants in addition to showing her new things. She is finding herself carrying her iPad everywhere and using it for most everything instead of her laptop. I am not saying that most people really need training to use a iPad but it might be something to consider.
Yes use gift cards USA and open her US account buy gift cards on discounted websites who email codes online to your country.
The way that I got around this for my daughter is to "purchase" a free app. Then you do not have to enter credit card details. Thereafter use gift cards.

Sent from my iPad4 using Tapatalk
You don't know my MOm!!! She has a hard time figuring out a new microwave...and her new Keurig took WEEKS for her to figure out!!!

My mom is the same. The other day, I was visiting, and we were in the car. She asked me where a ups store is. I haven't lived in the area in fifteen years.

I pull he iPhone five out of the purse, and ask Siri. She was astonished. She has had iPhones for five years, and never used Siri or maps.
My mom is the same. The other day, I was visiting, and we were in the car. She asked me where a ups store is. I haven't lived in the area in fifteen years.

I pull he iPhone five out of the purse, and ask Siri. She was astonished. She has had iPhones for five years, and never used Siri or maps.

My mom is different. My family (Except my grandma) Knows everything about tech.

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