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Everything to do with XMAS!

Oops! I forgot to say that's Xmas day at 4pm next Sunday. I love Boney M.

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I Love Christmas/Xmas! I wanted to find out how many of you celebrate it? How do your different countries celebrate? I'd love to know?

Are you with in-laws
Are you with your kids - grown-up or otherwise
Are you alone?
Are you with a partner?
What are hoping to get? Apple products? Books? Etc...
Need I go on? Anything goes...

Sent from my one and only original iPad using iPF

Hey 'ya, Halyes66--I was going to go back out to shop...but somehow, my warm and fuzzy slippers convinced me not to!! I have been meaning to respond to your Xmas post--but wanted to wait til it was closer to the blessed day!

So here we go:
1.) Absolutely will be with my in-laws and their family! The polish side likes to celebrate on Christmas Eve-so we will spend time with my hubbie's side first! Christmas eve is always at his sister's with good Polish food to eat! Christmas day will be on my side, with good Filipino food to eat! We are lucky that way!
2.) We do not have kids of our own, but have several nieces, nephew and young kids roaming around! So that makes it fun!
3.) No-not alone, but pray for those who are.
4.) Yes-with hubbie.
5.) Hoping to get a stylus for my ipad2, some more itune cards...and you won't believe, a steamer to clean my floors. Isn't that too funny!

Happy holidays, my friend!! Enjoy with your family and friends!! ;)
Wow! Thanks for that buddy. I wondered if you had gone out to Wally's as you guys call it. I thought you'd go for a loopy hat.

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Okay, I know it's early for chocolate but I'm eating Roses chocs I got from one of my students. Soft centres are my favourite followed by the nutty ones. Anyone else a choccie lover?

Sent from my one and only original iPad using iPF
Hayles66 said:
Okay, I know it's early for chocolate but I'm eating Roses chocs I got from one of my students. Soft centres are my favourite followed by the nutty ones. Anyone else a choccie lover?

Sent from my one and only original iPad using iPF

I am and my favourite are the fruit soft centres too. All time favourite chocolate bar is a picnic and it's never too early for chocolate!!

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Hi, friends. Haven't been around lately.

Christmas Eve is going to be SO BUSY, I just realized.

6:45: wake up
8-11:00: walk dogs at the shelter
1:30-2:30: Christmas eve service at my church
3-11:00: Christmas eve with aunt and uncle
Midnight-1:00: midnight mass at my parents' church (they're Catholic, I go to a non denominational)

And then I have to drive back to my own apartment, I'll maybe be asleep by 2am. Sorry if I'm not at the house for gift giving until like noon, fam. Lol

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My favourite stocking stuffer.
OMG! My favourite too. In UK Its Fry's Turkish Delight.
Okay, call me sad but I'm on the Christmas 24 channel. Xmas films back to back. Hot choc with whole milk, cinnamon, and marshmallows! Yum yum.
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Oh, hell, yeah! I love Xmas films! I own 45 and am always looking for more!

Sent from my one and only original iPad using iPF
Hayles66 said:
Oh, hell, yeah! I love Xmas films! I own 45 and am always looking for more!

Sent from my one and only original iPad using iPF

Scrooge movies are my favs!!! I try to watch as many versions as possible. ;)

Sent from my Verizon Black 64GB iPad 2 With IOS 5.01 Update using iPF

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