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iPF Noob
May 31, 2010
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I've got the snes one. Are any others available? Had a quick look on google but couldn't see
There are but I think the only one that works truly well is the SNES4iPhone and the newer SNES one that allows support for controllers with the iPod Touch. I personally tried out the NES4iPhone and none of the ROMs worked whatsoever.
I've seen some YouTube videos with a gba emulator which looks awesome. Going to have a look for it soon, and hoping it has wiimote support :)
Most if not all of the emulators are written for the iPhone so you have to deal with the pixel doubling.
sorry to hijack a thread, but can anyone point me in the right direction to a tutorial for ipad emu's. I tried following an iphone guide but for whatever reason I couldnt get it working

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