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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

Tommy I just got my second frost with cold and firefly a few days ago if you want to give that a try. Also got one from love and cold but you may get 48h from that which could be a good or bad thing. Also, big congrats on the job, the book, and on tommy junior. Hope you are well. :)
Thanks on all accounts. Will try cold and firefly ASAP. I had them all before my big wipe and reset, so I'm not too anxious to get them again. But it would be good. Will keep trying. Doing fairly well. Lots of pain and aches and fatigue, but pain meds let me go to work. Lots of things up in the air right now, so just plugging along.
Fletch_smf said:
Is that how many you have or how many you need? Are you going for Silver or Gold? And are the others done? Even Metal?

Thats all the shrines i have and im going for silver
There's an old German saying that a sucker is born every minute - all you have to do is find them. Well, BFS found 'ol Poppy. I can't resist, I have to have ONE level 20 dragon. My Clover is now at 18 1/4 and whew is it slow going at this point. I'm trying to preserve $50M or so for future updates, but I'm going to use the rest for the sucker level 20.

If and when I reach it I will probably feature that Clovef by itself on my Featured Dragon Island for a looong time.

To get a bloom dragon do u have to breed a lichen (plant and cold) and lightning?
Glitch!!! I put one of my metals in for the colosseum event yesterday. I checked it a few hours ago and it said it had 6 hours remaining. Ive logged in to see how its going and its now on the air event!! I never took my dragon out or got gems ot anything!! So cranky!!!

Tiffany xoxo

That is not fair! I like winning my 5 gems please. It would be interesting if it happens again. So Sorry. . .
Fletch_smf said:
Thinking about it, sir. Just not sure what to do with it as I don't have more habitats. I could spread things out a bit, but I'm trying to think of a good use for it at the moment. If I think of something I will jump straight into it.

I do have your other post and will respond to it in detail, but my lunch break is just about up. Will read it and respond in details later tonight.

I will thank you for bringing it up though. I now add breeding times to my shrine calculations to give people an idea of how long it will take, how many dragons they will breed in a day and how much coin they will need. One thought on that regarding the time in breeding Pans, is that instead of thinking it as one dragon in 36 hours, you can think of breeding a pan then a Magnetic, as breeding 2 Dragons in 38 hours, or 19 hours each. This will help spread out the food required and the time taken. Else you can breed 4 or 5 short duration dragons in a day and have nowhere near enough food to level them up.

You should develop an app that does these calculations. And of course charge for the purchase of it.
= )
There's an old German saying that a sucker is born every minute - all you have to do is find them. Well, BFS found 'ol Poppy. I can't resist, I have to have ONE level 20 dragon. My Clover is now at 18 1/4 and whew is it slow going at this point. I'm trying to preserve $50M or so for future updates, but I'm going to use the rest for the sucker level 20.

If and when I reach it I will probably feature that Clovef by itself on my Featured Dragon Island for a looong time.

I thought that that was P.T. Barnum.

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