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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)


iPF Noob
Hi everyone,

I thought I would create a thread where users can share their help with Dragonvale. There is already a long thread with people asking for friend requests but there isn't lot of info on gameplay. Please feel free to share anything you wish and happy gaming!

[Moderator edit: Please note that this thread is for tips & tricks ONLY. For friend requests, please see this thread: http://www.ipadforums.net/friend-requests/46557-friends-dragon-vale.html. All friend requests in this thread are subject to deletion without notice. Thanks.]
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This is a good idea I think things like how to breed the new dragons for the new guys, how to level up when you get a higher level, where to place things to get full advantage if bonuses and space ect ect. So first il ask that maybe someone could post a list of dragons and how to breed them?
hey how do u gift people?

Edited by Moderator ~ please remember that the OP has requested a thread where users share help, tips and whatnot. Do not add requests here. ~ SP
Well you get your gift from your friends list if you got to your friends list it will say give gift to a friend, you get three free a day.
I have sent email to invite friend, and they downloaded dragonvale, but they don't show up as friend on dragonvale? How do we get this to work?
How do you make a water dragon with out buying plz help i heard its cold and lightning but i done that in both combinations and it still make storm dragon
It's is a lightening an cold dragon to make a water it's all a case of luck maybe try maturing them more or maybe when choosing the dragons to breed put the lightening on the right and the cold on the left that may work
Do the amount of people/wizards you have visit count for anything?
If you create a path more people/wizards show up. The better the access via a path the more people/ wizards visit.

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