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Does anyone use thier ipad as a tool for IT support?


iPF Novice
Mar 2, 2011
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By tool I mean is there a way to use an iPad for lights out terminal connection, serial connections? How can you use it if you have no wifi access?
I've been fooling around with File+ for FTP transfers. But without wifi in the office and in many cases no 3G service it's useless.
Can some one enlighten me or confirm my thoughts,
What apps are some recommend apps? Anything available for sniffer traces?
Are ther any special adapters I could use.

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I was hoping to go minimal as possible. I would like to be able to run background test, wireshark, file and log file transfers. It doesn't look like the iPad will help me much I this area which is to bad.

I use mine to perform remote support functions regularly. There are apps that allow your iPad to access windows based machines or in my case iSeries midrange systems via 5250 emulation,

Their are a number of other emulators available (unix for example) that I do not use but have seen in action by others in our IT department that support these platforms.

Unfortunately all require wireless connectivity into the network. It sounds like you seek a a solution for a wired connection.

Check out application Get Console which utilizes an adapter for a wired connection.
Nice! This is exactly what I was looking for, however a $60.00 cable ouch. I wish I could try it out first.

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