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Documents to Go, Doc HD, Pages


iPF Noob
May 25, 2010
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Has anyone tried all the above? The Docs to Go seems to be a good deal at $11.99 until tomorrow... I believe they just optimized it for the iPad... It doesn't sound like the ppt part is that great, but otherwise possibly a useful app...

Any thoughts? I want to be able to open and edit word and maybe a little excel.
I use Pages, Numbers, and Keynote. Everyone says they are far better than any competition and they are 10 bucks a piece.

The only two issues that I have thus far are that Numbers and Keynote cannot export to XLS or PPT, and that you can't print directly from any of the apps. Pages allows you to export as DOC though.
I have been using documents to go since the Palm Pilot days. Just got the ipad update, and I am pleased. I think it is the best office solution for any mobile device. The support of cloud (I use Dropbox) is flawless.

I have been waiting for the update for the two months I have had my iPad.... As I said, I am very pleased, and it is going to get even better.....
What makes it better than the iWork suite? Any particular features or print direct or anything? In other words, if I already bought Pages, any reason to buy this as well?
My wife and I are talking about Docs to go right now. I have a question. If I have the VGA adapter, will Power Point files in Docs to Go display on a projector, so I can use the iPad to teach class in the same way I could (I believe) use Keynote. Or does the Docs to Go version not do this?
pages, keynote, numbers, all do not support MS office formats. Office2 HD supports 2003 formats, but not 2007 formats. Documents 2 Go supports 2007 formats. I have Office2 HD, but probably will get documents 2 go as well because I think Office2 HD is only mediocre.
Um, where are you getting that information? I have imported MS Office documents into Keynote, Pages, and Excel. And even 2007 formats (docx, xlsx, etc)
Um, where are you getting that information? I have imported MS Office documents into Keynote, Pages, and Excel. And even 2007 formats (docx, xlsx, etc)

Have you exported any back out to any of those MS office formats? Pages is ok, Numbers and keynote only save as numbers or keynote formats or PDF. If you work in windows environment, then that does not cut it.
Ok but that's not what you said. You just said they don't support them...well they do, but only Keynote allows you to export them.
I just misunderstood you is all, I thought you were saying it couldn't use it :)

I'll have to try out D2G then...
About documents to go...

I have a Box.net account set up and an excel spreadsheet uploaded. i can access the box.net no problem from within d2g, but how do i get it to save locally to the ipad so i can use it when not connected to the internet? i hit the save button, and then when the menu popped up i hit the right button that looked like a download option to me, but it didn't store it locally.
One thing so far for sure...d2g is much laggier. You can't just scroll up and down documents....my 26kb excel spreadsheet has to render every page...like it's not cached or something. And that's locally.
My wife and I are talking about Docs to go right now. I have a question. If I have the VGA adapter, will Power Point files in Docs to Go display on a projector, so I can use the iPad to teach class in the same way I could (I believe) use Keynote. Or does the Docs to Go version not do this?

Not to be a pain, but does anyone know the answer to this question?

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