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Different behaviour browsing in Safari and via a shortcut on the Home Page


iPF Noob
Oct 24, 2011
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On one particular page the result looks absolutely fine on a PC and on the iPAD via Safari. However, I have been unable to replace the incorrect page used by the shortcut from the iPAD home page. I have deleted and recreated the shortcut (from within Safari) and I have powered the iPAD off/on. Still the incorrectly constructed index page persists via the shortcut.

I can only assume there is some kind of cache on the iPAD that is failing to clear down properly.

Any ideas?
If it's a cache, then going to Settings > Safari and Clear Cookies and Data will fix it. Otherwise I have no idea what is going on.
twerppoet said:
If it's a cache, then going to Settings > Safari and Clear Cookies and Data will fix it. Otherwise I have no idea what is going on.

Rebooted the server, also left a day and guess what - problem cleared.... Thanks for the hint though, I am betting that is what it was.

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