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Cydia Categories Question


iPF Noob
Aug 30, 2010
Reaction score
Does anyone know of a way to prevent themes and ringtones from showing up when browsing Cydia? I like to look through the changes tab to see if there is anything newnand useful but hate havingnto scroll through all the themes and ringtones that I have no use for. Any help is greatly appreciated! :)
I am always AMAZED when people don't know about this feature (and that's not meant to be a criticism of anyone)...

It's quite easy to do what you want. In Cydia, navigate to the "Sections" page down the bottom, and then press the "Edit" toolbar button.
Then just turn OFF all the sections you don't want to see. Voila! No more pesky themes ruining your personal Cydia experience...

Hope that helps!

And the moral of this story? Have a poke around in your applications. You'll be amazed at what a lot of them actually do!
Last edited:
f4780y said:
I am always AMAZED when people don't know about this feature (and that's not meant to be a criticism of anyone)...

It's quite easy to do what you want. In Cydia, navigate to the "Sections" page down the bottom, and then press the "Edit" toolbar button.
Then just turn OFF all the sections you don't want to see. Voila! No more pesky themes ruining your personal Cydia experience...

Hope that helps!

And the moral of this story? Have a poke around in your applications. You'll be amazed at what a lot of them actually do!


Sent from my iPad using iPF
Thanks for the tip...I had no idea about that feature. :)
What is the purpose of installing Cydia. I am trying to understand what you can do with it...Mike

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