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Cooling case for outdoor use?


iPF Noob
Jun 17, 2010
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Hi everyone. I am considering purchasing the iPad 3G for use at outdoor arts festivals as a vendor. We are thinking of using the iPad for onsite inventory and using the SquareUp credit card app to be able to accept credit cards at the fairs. We would not be in direct sunlight, but under a tent/awning. But even with that, down here in the South it is not uncommon to hit 95 F even in the shade. I am concerned about relying on the iPad in this type of environment and was wondering if anyone makes a cooling solution for the iPad yet?
You could just get a laptop cooler or put some fans nearby. Putting it into a case is the exact opposite thing you would want to do.
Cooling Case

You could just get a laptop cooler or put some fans nearby. Putting it into a case is the exact opposite thing you would want to do.

I agree in principal about putting into a case. What I was hoping for was that someone out there has created a "case" / enclosure / stand... that integrated some type of cooling technology so that the iPad could be used outside in the south during the summer.

For outdoor festivals, the iPad could be an ideal solution for taking credit card orders, inventory, product advertising and display... all in one. But it certainly won't get used if the thing just shuts down at 95 deg F. Robert says he has used it in 100 F temps in AZ but hey its a dry heat :). Try it in 100F with 98% humidity! The issue maybe just one of a few units with build problems. But I don't want to lay down $600-$800 just to find out that it's not going to work.

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