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The Official I pre-ordered my iPad 3 now I"m having 2nd thoughts thread!

I purchased the "New iPad" and I feel _____?

  • The "New iPad" is worth spending the money.

    Votes: 26 74.3%
  • The "New iPad" hasn't changed enough to be worth the money, but I'll buy it anyway.

    Votes: 4 11.4%
  • I purchased the "New iPad" but also changed my mind. I'll wait for the next iPad.

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • I didn't purchase the "New iPad" because I knew it wasn't worth the money.

    Votes: 2 5.7%

  • Total voters


iPF Noob
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Upstate NY
Like most everyone else on this forum I am admittedly an Apple "Fanboy". I join you in speculation prior to an Apple release with a sense of giddy suspense. I clear my schedule for any Apple press conferences to ensure I'm able to watch the whole thing via a liveblog. I have an iPhone 4s, and iPad 2, and a Macbook Air. To sum it up, I love Apple.

I waited in eager suspense like most this past Wednesday. Waiting for Apple to once again blow us away with their innovation and post PC revival of technology. I had the liveblog in one browser window and the Apple.com store in another. I was ready to pre-order anything they had to offer before even seeing what it was. When the time came I rushed my credit card and billing information into the pre-order form and was the envy of the office. I could barely wait a week and a half to receive my new technological gift from the gods. I was a glow the entire rest of the week.

Then I woke up this morning as usual. I went to work, logged onto my work PC, read my e-mail, my normal routine. There in my inbox was my Apple.com receipt for my order. Giddy I clicked on the link to stare at my prized "New iPad" one more time. As I perused my purchase it dawned on me. It doesn't seem that much different from my iPad 2.

Sure it has a state of the art screen with 1 million pixels. It has a 5MP camera with iSight, and voice dictation. It even has the faster A5x processor that promises to make my gaming experience that much quicker. Is that however enough to justify $700? No longer was I quantifying it in terms of its cool and new. I was breaking it down to dollars and cents. Are the few improvements Apple made worth that much? Is purchasing the "New iPad" telling Apple that no matter what they sell we will buy it. If that's the case its no wonder they didn't include "Siri" or any other major improvements in the new device. They can put it in a "Newer iPad" 6 months from now and millions of people will buy it because we're programmed to love Apple products.

So I cancelled my order for the "New iPad" and pulled my iPad 2 listing off of Craigslist. Until Apple comes out with a product that I feel is worth my $700, I'm happy to use what I have. I'm curious to see if anyone else is having second thoughts. Has anyone else changed their mind or cancelled their orders after thinking it over?
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I see your point but I think that there were enough upgrades to warrant purchasing the new ipad. I havent ordered the new iPad yet. But I normally wait a few months to watch for any bugs that arise from it before unloading that much cash. besides i will sell my ipad 2 to recoup some of the money spent on the new one when and if I do.
AFAngryWarrior said:
Like most everyone else on this forum I am admittedly an Apple "Fanboy". I join you in speculation prior to an Apple release with a sense of giddy suspense. I clear my schedule for any Apple press conferences to ensure I'm able to watch the whole thing via a liveblog. I have an iPhone 4s, and iPad 2, and a Macbook Air. To sum it up, I love Apple.

I waited in eager suspense like most this past Wednesday. Waiting for Apple to once again blow us away with their innovation and post PC revival of technology. I had the liveblog in one browser window and the Apple.com store in another. I was ready to pre-order anything they had to offer before even seeing what it was. When the time came I rushed my credit card and billing information into the pre-order form and was the envy of the office. I could barely wait a week and a half to receive my new technological gift from the gods. I was a glow the entire rest of the week.

Then I woke up this morning as usual. I went to work, logged onto my work PC, read my e-mail, my normal routine. There in my inbox was my Apple.com receipt for my order. Giddy I clicked on the link to stare at my prized "New iPad" one more time. As I perused my purchase it dawned on me. It doesn't seem that much different from my iPad 2.

Sure it has a state of the art screen with 1 million pixels. It has a 5MP camera with iSight, and voice dictation. It even has the faster A5x processor that promises to make my gaming experience that much quicker. Is that however enough to justify $700? No longer was I quantifying it in terms of its cool and new. I was breaking it down to dollars and cents. Are the few improvements Apple made worth that much? Is purchasing the "New iPad" telling Apple that no matter what they sell we will buy it. If that's the case its no wonder they didn't include "Siri" or any other major improvements in the new device. They can put it in a "Newer iPad" 6 months from now and millions of people will buy it because we're programmed to love Apple products.

So I cancelled my order for the "New iPad" and pulled my iPad 2 listing off of Craigslist. Until Apple comes out with a product that I feel is worth my $700, I'm happy to use what I have. I'm curious to see if anyone else is having second thoughts. Has anyone else changed their mind or cancelled their orders after thinking it over?

I logged in just to say- GOOD FOR YOU! Good for you for living reasonably. Just because someone has a little money doesn't mean they have to deplete it. Unless you have lots. I bought a "2" just a week ago knowing the "3" was coming out. I thought either I'd really like the 3 and return my 2 or wait for 3 to reduces 2's price and get the difference and that's exactly what I'm going to do.
It's worth it for me, but only because this is my first iPad. I wanted to purchase the iPad 2 last year but there was already speculation of iPad 3 coming out. I waited this whole time and waiting further for "iPad 4" would be doing too much. If I already had an iPad, I would also either need to see some major changes in the newer iPad to even consider making the purchase or my iPad would have to be seriously outdated! To me, iPad 2 is still fairly new so I understand why some people don't feel the need to buy another one.
I think its worth it. But then again this is my first ipad. I have always heard don't buy the first model of anything wait til they work the kinks out. Well last year I didn't have the funds to get an ipad2 so I just waited. I got money for Christmas - other things I earned money - saved all my cash and decided i would get the ipad3/ipadHD or the official name "new ipad" 3rd generation. I wish it had Siri on it but it doesn't - but that didn't stop me from purchasing my first ipad!
Oh good grief, man. First, its got an amazing screen. For me, that means all the reading I will do will be easier on my eyes, which I only get one pair of in this lifetime. Saying that it is the same is just silly, in addition to being just plain untrue. What you seem to be saying is that the only worth there is in this refresh is if they significantly change it up, just for changes sake. I find that silly. Apple is giving you a vastly improved device at a really good price and you are denying yourself just because of some silly logic and apparent feelings of guilt. And you don't have to drop $700 as you can get $400+ for the device you have.

To each his or her own, but I won't be joining you. I used my iPad 2 everyday for the last year and I expect to do the same with this one, only it will enhance everything I do with the device. I don't need different to justify anything. I do need better.
Congratulations to you both (ticka1 and bzbmum) on the purchase of your first iPad. Whether or not the 3 is worth upgrading to, its 100% worth buying if its your first iPad. If I didn't have the iPad 2 I wouldn't have given it ANY thought. I would have purchased the "New iPad" without hesitation. I'm sure you're both going to love being iPad owners.
And I'm not going broke to afford and iPad either. Going to school for many years and working hard everyday counts for something.
If it truly was 100% better I wouldn't have cancelled my order. Its not about the money or going broke, its about justifying the purchase. Besides voice dictation, tell me (1) thing the "New iPad" does that I can't readily do on my iPad 2? I have 20/20 vision and a home entertainment system with the HDTV, Bluray, Surround Sound, the works. The iPad is for work. So 1 million pixels or 50 million pixels wouldn't make a difference. My spreadsheets and e-mails don't get pixelated. I guess its along the old adage of "If its not broke, don't fix it". Right now the poll stands 3 to 2 in favor of keeping the "New iPad"(and I didn't vote). So I'm not the only one.
This is my first iPad, as well. Its worth it, to me. I did consider getting a 2, even after the release of the 3, to save money, but decided what the heck.
Name one thing you can go on a second gen iPad that you can't do on the first gen iPad?

Obviously, you don't real full page PDFs with fine type on your iPad. Else, the benefits would be clear.

Hey, skip the device. No loss for me.
I think anyone who can't see the benefits of the new screen should just skip it. If you need someone else to justify your purchase you clearly don't need it.
yes the new ipad is a lot of money and i dont even have one yet so iam stil on the fence if i should just get the ipad 2 32 gig for 499 or the new iapd 32 gig for 599. and the screen dont matter to me i also have a home threather set up.
how long will appel support the ipad 2?? thats what i wanna know if i knew it will be 2 more year then i would get a ipad2
People who get the new iPad will probably enjoy it. More power to them. Meanwhile, it's cool that iPad 1 and 2 still satisfy many users.

With an iPad 1 and 2, I didn't find the new iPad compelling enough to buy, but that's not a knock against the new model; it's just not worth it to me, even though I can easily afford one.

Cheers to everyone being happy with whatever model fits their needs.
Husq250 said:
I logged in just to say- GOOD FOR YOU! Good for you for living reasonably. Just because someone has a little money doesn't mean they have to deplete it. Unless you have lots. I bought a "2" just a week ago knowing the "3" was coming out. I thought either I'd really like the 3 and return my 2 or wait for 3 to reduces 2's price and get the difference and that's exactly what I'm going to do.

+1. Did you get the iPad 2 discount?

Sent from my Verizon Black 64GB iPad 2 With IOS 5.1Update From NYC!!! using iPF

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