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Can't decide what to do iPad Air 32GB or iPad Air 2 16GB

Alice - probably the best choice for the OP just to avoid a 16 GB iPad - BUT, I must say that I'm 'in love' w/ the fingerprint technology on the Air 2 - at least worth an extra $100 to me! ;) Dave
Totally agree with Dave. That fingerprint sign-on facility is marvellous. A pleasant surprise when I found that I was not limited to using the iPad in a some what inconvenient portrait mode using the forefinger, the way it was (helpfully) set up for me at the iPad Store when I bought my Air2.
As I prefer to use the iPad in landscape mode it was nice to see I can easily set up the start-up using thumb and/or any other finger for that matter. And of course great security using a fingerprint knowing no one else can duplicate. Fabulous!

Sent from my iPad Air2 using Tapatalk
I'll be honest here, 16 GB of storage for heavy gaming is never enough. I already used up half of my storage when I installed Hearthstone and World of Tanks, and I'm still planning on downloading more games. The 32 GB iPad Air 2 is what you may want, but the iPad Air is still beefy. I'd rather have the iPad Air 2 rather than the iPad Air.
I'll be honest here, 16 GB of storage for heavy gaming is never enough. I already used up half of my storage when I installed Hearthstone and World of Tanks, and I'm still planning on downloading more games. The 32 GB iPad Air 2 is what you may want, but the iPad Air is still beefy. I'd rather have the iPad Air 2 rather than the iPad Air.

Unfortunately, the iPad Air 2 is not available in a 32 GB model (chart below from the Apple website) - thus, the rub; but Apple (at least in the USA) has made the upgrade from 16 -> 64, just a $100 purchase (which might have been the same price going to 32 GB, if still offered). Dave :)

Screen Shot 2015-01-04 at 11.18.54 AM.png
Alice - probably the best choice for the OP is just to avoid a 16 GB iPad - BUT, I must say that I'm 'in love' w/ the fingerprint technology on the Air 2 - at least worth an extra $100 to me! ;) Dave
And the fingerprint technology is not limited to replacing the home screen password entry. It can also be used when making purchases from the app store.

iPad Air 2 really is the best iPad I have owned, and using Geekbench benchmark app the benchmark is way out in front of all other models. Super fast, super display, even a built in microphone. Really nothing to complain about at all. Very glad with my purchase.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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