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Calibre downloading

I have an iPad

Thank You so much so far, you've being very helpful.

I went to the site, made download, but maybe I don't have the correct downloaded app, because when downloaded a MediaPlayer sign appeared too.

The download was completed but I can't fin the Calibre app.

So I don't know if really downloaded successfully.

I have an iPad!
I have an iPad too.

Sorry, I'm not going to hold your hand though. Read the Calibre website, it has all the info you need. I'm starting to think you're jerking my chain.
Thank You so much so far, you've being very helpful.

I went to the site, made download, but maybe I don't have the correct downloaded app, because when downloaded a MediaPlayer sign appeared too.

The download was completed but I can't fin the Calibre app.

So I don't know if really downloaded successfully.

I have an iPad!

READ POST #2, and answer the damn question.

Sorry for border you!

It was so easy, I already had the Pdf reader pro, purchased in ITunes!

Now I have a new problem.

I downloaded the PDF light before, opened my email, download a PDF document, and then, discover that I already had the PDF PRO version, so delete the lite version.

Now I can't open my email. It shows the PDF document with no options. I can't access my email.

I bid these is funny for you, it is for me.

I got stocked in between world, like Neo in Matrix Revolutions.

Please help me how to proceed?

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