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Best solution for .docx


iPF Noob
Jan 27, 2012
Reaction score
Portland, OR
My company uses only .docx and .xlsx created by Microsoft Office 2007 and 2010. I am out of town across the country and until now, I thought I could edit and create these documents.

Please let me know how on my iPad 2 I can do this, assuming there is a way.

Thank you!
I've been using Quickoffice App, seems to work really well......I'm sure others will chime in with other apps.

The Archangel
I'm not sure if I answer correct but just wanted to share that I can open every kind of doc document on my iPad with the app pages; save, edit and rename as well. It converts it to pages and keeps it. I can't create a folder and put them in to organize though...
I would recommend QuickOffice for docx and xlsx. Having said that, if you ever move on to powerpoint, note that you can't edit pptx files in QuickOffice - only ppt files.

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