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Best browser for ancestry app.


iPF Noob
Can anyone recommend a Safari substitute app to work with the Ancestry app? After days of frustration, I called Ancestry.com and the rep said that the Ancestry app does not work with Safari. On my computer I use Firefox with the website. My frustration so far has been that the program continually asks me to log in. I browsed the apps but don't know what to pick that would run like Firefox- or at least keep my info while I am searching records.
HKey_Current_User said:
How about just using the Ancestry.com app in the App Store? Or does it need access o the website, as well?

That's the app I am using. It connects to Ancestry.com and uses it's website to research records. Once I log in, I shouldn't have to do so again until I log out. But with the app on my iPad ( using Safari to connect to the website) , I have to log in about every other page. The rep at Ancestry.com tried resetting my account and I also shut down and re-downloaded the app, but I still have the same problem. I also cleared all of my history from Safari. Nothing has worked,so the Ancestry rep told me that the app did not work with Safari. I use Firefox on my MacPro computer so I am now trying to find a browser app. For my iPad to use in place of Safari. I don't know which one to purchase among the browser apps available at the App Store. Is there a recommended list of those that could handle the log in/log hold problem?
HKey_Current_User said:
A couple of the popular ones are Atomic Browser and Dolphin. Both are free, so no cost to try them.

Thank you for responding. I downloaded Atomic and really like it's options, but it's not able to hold my log in WITHIN the Ancestry app either. I also tried logging in directly to Ancestry.com from Atomic, but same behaviors. I will try Dolphin today.

I've tried to talk to the rep at Ancestry but he just shrugged me off with an "Ancestry doesn't work with Safari" response. This angered me because I had just paid for the Ancestry app to be able to travel and work the family tree with my aging relatives.
If I knew what to tell the Ancestry rep, I'd try to put in a mobile technology revision request. (I've told them that my Firefox works on my home Mac.) I assume it's the mobile aspect that Ancestry has not addressed. The first couple of days they went crazy because the Ancestry website kept telling me I had to buy another years subscription because it was linked to a different computer. After explaining that as a subscriber, I should be able to use my iPad and my home computer inter-changebly, I was able to log in from iPad. I'm wondering if this is an example of a provider not being able to keep up with technology. Sorry I'm ranting. It's frustrating. Thanks for your help. Let's see if Dolphin will work.
I think you are exactly right. It sounds like they rushed to get their app on the market, simply because it's "cool" to be able to say "we have an iPad app."

But then, they totally dropped the ball, and did not follow through. It sounds like to get full functionality, you must be able to use the app and the browser. To say "our website doesn't work in Safari" is a disservice to their users, and very poor customer service.

Again, I'm not an Ancestry.com client (I'm interested, but it is just too expensive right now), so this is all just my opinion, my 2-cents.
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To expand a bit, I use Icab and the ancestory app on my iPad, I use Firefox on my laptop, and I also have the ancestory software (Family Tree Maker) on my laptop. All work wonderfully together and I can sync between them all with no problem. I have never had the login problem you are describing. Even when I leave Icab and go back and forth between the browser and app I never have to log in more than once.
HKey_Current_User said:
A couple of the popular ones are Atomic Browser and Dolphin. Both are free, so no cost to try them.

Thank you for trying to help. I tried Dolphin today and have the same symptoms. I've sent an email to Ancestry to tell them of the mobile problem whether it's through a direct log in or through their app. At least I could tell them I tried two different browsers and that their responses thus far through their support agents has not worked. As I told them, after purchasing their app, all I get is a continual prompt that tells me to contact me- when I am mobile neither the website nor the app will hold my log in info. Maybe my tirades and your attempts to help will help someone else.

I noted on the iPad updates that there are changes coming for Safari. Perhaps this type of problem will become old history!
Joyntechnology said:
Thanks! I'll download it ASAP!

I downloaded iCab and am still having the same problem. I still can't attach a record to a person and it continually asks me to contact me in order to see the tree. Is there something I should be doing in the iCAb settings?
How do you link your Ancestry app to iCab? Doesn't the app go directly to Safari when it searches?
irishone said:
To expand a bit, I use Icab and the ancestory app on my iPad, I use Firefox on my laptop, and I also have the ancestory software (Family Tree Maker) on my laptop. All work wonderfully together and I can sync between them all with no problem. I have never had the login problem you are describing. Even when I leave Icab and go back and forth between the browser and app I never have to log in more than once.

I downloaded the iCab browser but am still having the same problem. Now I'm wondering if I have a setting on the browser.

A thought... Is your iPad wi-fi or 3G? Mine is only wi-fi. Could this be affecting the mobile app?

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