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Bag for iPad


iPF Noob
Feb 26, 2010
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Will it be a sleeve or a shoulder bag... I hope it doesn't turn out to be a laptop bag lookalike :ipad-front:
I think the idea of Apple Case is spot on. Triples as a protective case, stand(picture frame), and more ergonomic typing platform. This plus a bluetooth keyboard would fill all my needs.

However, the people who actually handled it seemed to have only a mediocre impression of the quality and feel of the material. I think I'll need to handle it first to see if it's worthy of cradling my baby Same functional design in a lightweight, handsome case (maybe leather) and I'm sold. Then I can stick it in any bag, backpack, or briefcase I'm carrying.

The scoshe Kickback looks interesting, but something about the aesthetic of the material seems a little cold. The good thing is I think I'll have a ton of more options by the time the 3G is released. (Yes, the wait is killing me!)

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