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Apple forum or lovefest??

Yes, iPhone 3G was rendered essentially unusable. Some people tried pursuing class-action lawsuits against Apple for crippling their phones.

Boy, I would have went nonlinear if I had been one of those people. The reason I'm on iOS now is because HTC did a similar thing on my last android phone. I still want to sue them. My droid incredible just died (reboots in an endless cycle) for no good reason (not damaged).
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Boy, I would have when nonlinear if I had been one of those people. The reason I'm on iOS now is because HTC did a similar thing on my last android phone. I still want to sue them. My droid incredible just died (reboots in an endless cycle) for no good reason (not damaged).

...and now I am wondering if that happened to my droid phone as well 3 months ago!
Ive paid for alot of these apps...now I'm not able to use them to its fullest potential, and that's OK? I don't think so!

I find this expectation to be a bit unreasonable. I cannot think of any company that, when you purchase their product, promises to keep it state of the art.

When one purchases a car, do we expect our dealer to upgrade ours when a new model comes out with a added feature not found on ours? When Adobe comes up with the latest pagemaker software, do we all expect free upgrades? (Windows and OSX both charge for upgrades to operating systems.) When the iPad2 came out, did owners of the iPad1 demand a free addition of a camera to their device?

Perhaps it is reasonable to expect bug fixes for an extended period, but I don't think we can expect an indefinite upgrade to the latest-and-greatest. So long as your app continues to run and provide the function for which you purchased it, enjoy it.
Boy, I would have went nonlinear if I had been one of those people. The reason I'm on iOS now is because HTC did a similar thing on my last android phone. I still want to sue them. My droid incredible just died (reboots in an endless cycle) for no good reason (not damaged).

Thing is, consumers don't have legal ground to sue over free upgrades. I'm not into suing anyway. But I think it's wrong for any company to upgrade firmware beyond a device's hardware. Better to not issue the upgrade for such a device.

When Apple or any other company issues an upgrade, I now wait to hear user feedback before upgrading. I've learned to not trust Apple or other companies, because they've not proven trustworthy.
KevinJS said:
The only issue I have with whingey posts is that they often seem to hold Apple to a higher standard than other manufacturers.

Example, my first PC ran Windows 3.1 and had a 486 processor. My latest runs 64 bit Vista and has some quad core monstrosity that could have run NORAD a few years ago. Trouble is, it only just runs Vista, because the OS is such a processor hog that by the time you get a few programs running, the hardware is about ready to give up.

Apple are forced by the market to make continual improvements. Not so long back, people were complaining that Apple's policy of annual upgrades was leaving their products behind, and that the competing products were better as a result. Now that they appear to have gone to biannual upgrades, the complaints are still coming in thick and fast, not from the same people I assume.

Considering the iPad 1 broke the ground for Apple tablets, and became the yardstick by which other tablets are measured, I think it still stands up pretty well. The iPad killer has become the dream of the tech press for quite a while. They are still waiting (hopefully holding their breath) and I think they have a while yet to wait. Apple is at the top of the heap because of the delivery of the complete system; hardware, OS, software and support, and that is why customers like the thing so much.

If it was perfect there would be no need for forums like this one, so my advice is enjoy the iPad and enjoy the forum too. You'll get used to the idiosyncrasies of both after a while.

Sent from my iPad using iPF

I believe they are held to a higher standard and IMO its realistic since apple usually charges more per device than other companies. I'm fine with that and the quality is there. When charged more, I expect to also get more as in better quality, better features and better app selections. Just like if I decide to skimp out on something then I fully expect to get a low end product and my expectations are lowered. Just like you might expect your Tag Heuer watch to be better made than an Armitron from Sears.

As for these forums, I've read many dissenting posts. It's when they get out of hand that threads get closed and for good reason. Honestly, a thread here recently was just closed and it was probably my fault! I went off a bit on a particular topic and it got emotional than I needed to be. That's the way of things. I actually love this forum and have enjoyed the banter and discussions!
Whilst I wouldn't class myself as a fanboy, I do love my iPad, and as this is an iPad forum, I would expect the majority of members would be the same.
As with any technology it is soon superseded by something faster or more gimmicky, such is the way of the world of electrical goods.

A lot of the posts that get deleted or closed on this site have either got out of control, with members attacking another's opinions, or the OP is considered to be a troll, only posting the thread to create disruption without giving any worthwhile contribution to the thread. We don't close a thread lightly, a lot of thought and discussion takes place before that happens, so whilst you only see what looks like an attack by the iPad police, we really do only look out for your best interests.

Enjoy the forum, lots of members do, with a member count of over a quarter of a million, and a post value of nearly three quarters of a million, we must be doing something right!

I hope this answers the original question, and feel free to reply if you still have any questions, it is you the member which makes my job so worthwhile, let's face it, without you, we wouldn't have this excellent forum.

IPF Team
oberkc said:
I find this expectation to be a bit unreasonable. I cannot think of any company that, when you purchase their product, promises to keep it state of the art.

When one purchases a car, do we expect our dealer to upgrade ours when a new model comes out with a added feature not found on ours? When Adobe comes up with the latest pagemaker software, do we all expect free upgrades? (Windows and OSX both charge for upgrades to operating systems.) When the iPad2 came out, did owners of the iPad1 demand a free addition of a camera to their device?

Perhaps it is reasonable to expect bug fixes for an extended period, but I don't think we can expect an indefinite upgrade to the latest-and-greatest. So long as your app continues to run and provide the function for which you purchased it, enjoy it.

I bought my Jeep in 2011, next year (2 months later) they came out with a new, faster, more powerful engine without all of my issues. I didn't expect a free upgrade either. While I know the iPad 4th gen has a faster processor my 3rd gen will be fine until upgrade time in a year or two. The beauty of my iOS devices is that once past the upgrade date they are still useful for music, video, web surfing and such (especially reading books) - and if I pass them on to someone less fortunate they can still get massive use out of them. My first computer ran windows 95, it would not even start up on windows 7, I'm ok with that and with the performance available today I would not want to saddle myself with that old hardware, but with windows 95 on it it works just like it always has.
zstairlessone said:
I bought my Jeep in 2011, next year (2 months later) they came out with a new, faster, more powerful engine without all of my issues. I didn't expect a free upgrade either. While I know the iPad 4th gen has a faster processor my 3rd gen will be fine until upgrade time in a year or two. The beauty of my iOS devices is that once past the upgrade date they are still useful for music, video, web surfing and such (especially reading books) - and if I pass them on to someone less fortunate they can still get massive use out of them. My first computer ran windows 95, it would not even start up on windows 7, I'm ok with that and with the performance available today I would not want to saddle myself with that old hardware, but with windows 95 on it it works just like it always has.

That's the attitude! :)
s2mikey said:
I believe they are held to a higher standard and IMO its realistic since apple usually charges more per device than other companies. I'm fine with that and the quality is there. When charged more, I expect to also get more as in better quality, better features and better app selections. Just like if I decide to skimp out on something then I fully expect to get a low end product and my expectations are lowered. Just like you might expect your Tag Heuer watch to be better made than an Armitron from Sears.

As for these forums, I've read many dissenting posts. It's when they get out of hand that threads get closed and for good reason. Honestly, a thread here recently was just closed and it was probably my fault! I went off a bit on a particular topic and it got emotional than I needed to be. That's the way of things. I actually love this forum and have enjoyed the banter and discussions!

Thank you
I've posted things positive and negative about Apple and iDevices, and have never had a prob with that on this forum.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and no one is obligated to agree with you.

It's OK to post, so called, negative comments about Apple products as long as everyone is able to agree to disagree without personal attacks towards each other. The threads get shut down when the posts get heated / ugly.

Sent from my Wi-Fi Black 64FB iPad with Retina Display using Tapatalk HD

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