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Just a bit confused in App Store..


iPF Noob
Mar 30, 2010
Reaction score
NYC, New York
I'm sure it's right under my nose, but I can't seem to pull up a huge list of ipad apps. It's either "new and noteworthy", "top free, "top paid", and so on.. but each category has a certain amount and that's it. Is there a continuous list that has all supposedly 1300+ new apps that you can check out page after page, and are not mixed in with iphone apps? I can't find like half the apps I've seen advertised on various sites that are readily available.
And on a related note, are we able to download the applications before the ipad arrives? I have my eye on a science program that is 1.7 gigs and I am wanting to get started on the download now.
That at last I can answer: Yes indeed - everyone and his/her mother have been downloading paid and free apps for ipad since last evening. Some are even free just for April 3rd.
Just do a search with ipad in it and scroll down. It will show you a link to all the ipad apps.

There is a lot of crap to scroll through though.
Hi find here the link of all iPad app's, be aware of i am not sure all are really there due to the stupid iTunes restriction based on the world location

iTunes Store
Hi find here the link of all iPad app's, be aware of i am not sure all are really there due to the stupid iTunes restriction based on the world location

iTunes Store

Are you able to set up a US based proxy or use a VPN to get unrestricted access?

I dono , as my itunes account is Singapore, so if i change the store i have to set a new one ore change my account location, but in case like this i will lost all my local app's , and iTunes will erase it in my iPhone 3Gs , i have try to turn around iTunes but seem's don't work :( so i let it like this
Hi find here the link of all iPad app's, be aware of i am not sure all are really there due to the stupid iTunes restriction based on the world location

iTunes Store

Are you able to set up a US based proxy or use a VPN to get unrestricted access?

I dono , as my itunes account is Singapore, so if i change the store i have to set a new one ore change my account location, but in case like this i will lost all my local app's , and iTunes will erase it in my iPhone 3Gs , i have try to turn around iTunes but seem's don't work :( so i let it like this

That is probably one of the biggest follies with one stop shop application store. It makes it extremely easy to use, but it sucks that you lose functionality because of Apple's international presence and legal issues. You might run into problems every now and then when you install directly from the producer, but there isn't nearly as much red tape.
Are you able to set up a US based proxy or use a VPN to get unrestricted access?

I dono , as my itunes account is Singapore, so if i change the store i have to set a new one ore change my account location, but in case like this i will lost all my local app's , and iTunes will erase it in my iPhone 3Gs , i have try to turn around iTunes but seem's don't work :( so i let it like this

That is probably one of the biggest follies with one stop shop application store. It makes it extremely easy to use, but it sucks that you lose functionality because of Apple's international presence and legal issues. You might run into problems every now and then when you install directly from the producer, but there isn't nearly as much red tape.

if Android doesn't have this kind of restriction that will push many people in their side ...

i can download software from everywhere in the world without this trouble only with Apple that sound so good this kind of restriction

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