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Apple Care or no?

I bought my ipad from the Apple store and later was amazed that nobody pressured me to take out an extended warranty. In fact it wasn't mentioned.
Most Apple sales folks will ask if you'd like Apple Care, but in general they aren't encouraged to pressure anyone to buy anything. That usually results in a very positive shopping experience.

Others have posted some good insights into Apple Care and extended warranties earlier in this thread, but I'll add my two-cents here:

FWIW Apple Care can be a good investment depending on your circumstances (heavy use, refurbished item, etc.). Of course you can always buy Apple Care through Apple, however many other retailers sell it as well and it can often be found at a discount (by as much as 50% sometimes) so a little shopping around is worthwhile. For example, Apple charges $79 for the iPad Apple Care plan (extends the warranty to three years total). You can get the identical [ame="http://www.amazon.com/AppleCare-Protection-Plan-for-iPad/dp/B0044SVD50"]Apple Care from Amazon for about $66.[/ame] Not a huge savings, but every little bit helps IMHO. :)

It's also worth noting that you can purchase Apple Care any time during the first year. So if you bought something on January 15th 2011 you have until January 14th 2012 to buy the additional coverage.

The only third-party extended warranty company that garners continual positive reviews is SquareTrade:

SquareTrade Warranties | Extended Warranties for 70% Less Than Retail | Electronics Insurance Alternative

Their coverage on an iPad is a little more extensive and includes breakage so something to look into if you're in the market. Most of the other "extended warranty" companies have less-than-stellar reputations.

That said there are thousands of stories here and elsewhere about Apple taking care of issues with all of their products after the warranty period. I've personally had a couple of outstanding product repairs at no charge long after the warranties expired. Apple has always gone the extra mile when it comes to customer satisfaction.
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I was also battling with this issue, because $80 is a lot for me. Buying the cheapest iPad and a Smart Cover is a financial strain for me (but oh, so worth it...). I'm glad I can ask for the protection plan for Christmas or even my birthday (May) since both fall under the one year.

Plus, like with my Android phone when I have problems, forums provide better help anyway! :D
Personally the 'Smartcover' seems like an expensive waste of money to me. It only protects the glass front. What about the back and sides? It looks like it offers zero protection really.
I have a case I can put it in - my old Netbook one - for transport (it isn't perfect, and I'll ask for a better case for Christmas). I only need something TO protect the cover. It works for me. :D
When I asked about Apple care for an ipad at the Apple store the other day the guy said for a little bit more additional you can get the accidental breakage/water coverage too (If I remember right it was total $99 for the Apple Care w/ accident coverage). Has anyone heard of this or had it? Seems worth it to me considering I know several people who have had theirs broken (one kid dropped it, one had it slide under their recliner while charging and when they reclined it crushed the screen...ouch). We have a kid AND a recliner so I need some kind of assurance it won't be a big ruined pile of electronics if it gets broken.
When I asked about Apple care for an ipad at the Apple store the other day the guy said for a little bit more additional you can get the accidental breakage/water coverage too (If I remember right it was total $99 for the Apple Care w/ accident coverage). Has anyone heard of this or had it? Seems worth it to me considering I know several people who have had theirs broken (one kid dropped it, one had it slide under their recliner while charging and when they reclined it crushed the screen...ouch). We have a kid AND a recliner so I need some kind of assurance it won't be a big ruined pile of electronics if it gets broken.
Yes, it's called Apple Care +. You have to buy it within 30 days of your purchase though. You have up to a year to buy "regular" Apple Care.
I did a little research and it seems a squaretrade warranty might be the way to go, covers everything and good reviews. Considering I've dropped my iphone in the toilet before, and 2 people I've known have cracked their ipad screen, I could use the best protection I can get for as cheap as possible.
I did a little research and it seems a squaretrade warranty might be the way to go, covers everything and good reviews. Considering I've dropped my iphone in the toilet before, and 2 people I've known have cracked their ipad screen, I could use the best protection I can get for as cheap as possible.
I have SquareTrade coverage on several CE items we have including my iPad. I've never had to file a claim personally but over the years they continue to have very positive reviews from users and consumer groups alike.

One thing I will say for Apple Care is that it can "rub off" on your other Apple products. By that I mean that when you need service on an Apple product they can see your "account" and are aware of items that have Apple Care of course. In one instance I had trouble with a Cinema Display...the logic board was failing (expensive to repair). It was way out of warranty, but the Genius noted that I had Apple Care on my iMac and opted to cover it under that. He didn't have to of course. A couple of other times Apple has noted my Apple Care and gone out of there way to help with odd repairs like replacing a temp sensor on a Mac mini that didn't have any coverage. I've related these stories to others many, many times since then (plus I've read numerous similar stories) so there is a "halo" effect with having Apple Care of sorts. I'm still happy with SquareTrade for my iPad, but on more expensive items I'm happy I had Apple Care as well.
richsadams said:
Yes, it's called Apple Care +. You have to buy it within 30 days of your purchase though. You have up to a year to buy "regular" Apple Care.

To me, the screen-break coverage would be the most valuable piece of the Apple Care. I have found that with most electronics these days, if they work good for the first few months then it is very likely that they'll last for a long time after that without much trouble. OTOH, bad ones are usually bad right out of the box or shortly thereafter. That's why I usual,y stay away from extended warranties but that's just me. The break coverage would be nice though, no doubt. I'm passed 30 days and couldn't get it. Oh well.
Another thing to consider is that Apple Care not only extends the hardware warranty but technical support services from 90 days to three years as well. So for a new user or if something like an upgrade goes wrong you always have a direct line to a Genius to help you get things ironed out...a little peace of mind. It's certainly not for everyone, but it is more than just physical coverage that SquareTrade (which I use), Best Buy or others can offer.

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