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App update issue.

Hmm. I expected to see a "1" badge for a few days, for the Readdle app I won't update, but now I've got a white screen with badge. Again.

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ditto here ... i got "1" update notification which i could't find in purchase tab .. ".. sighhhh .." ..

why does it take this long for apple to fix this issue .. ???
If its not on the iPad u don't need to update it....

When u go here you will see the cloud, open or update....
You need to check both iPad and iphone


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did the checking on "not on this ipad" tab .. no luck in there ..

Is it a glitch on the app and need to reboot ??

You can try that but it would seem to be a problem on Apple's end with so many experiencing it.
I am also having the same problem. Have tried all of the suggestions posted to no avail.
Going to the purchased tab and you can update all of them there. I just did
I'm having no problem updating via the purchased tab. I let them accumulate for a couple of days, then go thru the alphabet. I'll be glad when this is fixed
Both my iPhone 5 (iOS 6.1.4) and my iPad 4 (iOS 6.1.3) are CDMA and I've not had any problems with updates - I've had several over the past week and they completed normally. I'm wondering if this is confined to certain geographical areas.

ditto here ... i got "1" update notification which i could't find in purchase tab .. ".. sighhhh .." ..

why does it take this long for apple to fix this issue .. ???

I wonder if this is connected to the recent Apple developer area compromise.
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I have the same problem and have tried all of the suggestions and continue to just get the buffering but no update. I can access everything in the app store just the update isn't working. I managed to update using iTunes on my laptop but problem with the ipad persists
I have gone to the purchased page. On eith the all tab or by letter, there is nothing showing that it needs to be updated.
Did you also check the iPhone apps purchased list?

I also have been trying to get this to work, but when I click on Purchased iPhone Apps list, all of the iPhone apps show the iCloud symbol and I don't think it would solve the iPad problems if I just started downloading all the iPhone apps from the cloud to the ipad... Or am I missing something here?
To this day none of the purchased iPad apps appear to be waiting for an update. I check them alphabetically daily.

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