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Any idea when Amazon gets new IPADs?


iPF Noob
Mar 6, 2012
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Hi! I am a potential new IPAD owner. My laptop is about to die & I was thinking about replacing w/ this IPAD. Never really played much w/ one, but I like what I have read about it & I like the idea of being on the internet on something smaller. I want to buy a 64 GB Wifi from Amazon since I will get 5% back w/ my Chase card. Anyone have any idea when/if Amazon gets the new IPADs? The 5% deal lasts until the end of March. Thanks!

I would love to save on taxes on an $829 purchase. Does Amazon (not 3rd party) actually sell the iPad 2?
Well, I just checked & if you click on the IPAD2 version it will tell you there is another newer version available. I got all excited. It is actually 3rd party vendors, but for my Chase card it doesn't matter where the rewards are concerned. Anyway, I was checking out reviews on a place & then I realized the priced was high. $829 on the 64GB wifi only! And after I went out & came back in it went up to $848! I don't think so! LOL #1 I don't need this & I don't have to be in a hurry for an electronic device. #2 I can use a different card to save 3% at RadioShack & I'll do that if I need to. I'm going to wait a while & see how the dust settles. It's not that I can't pay full price, but not save if a little if you can?
It is good to remember

that the iPad is not a computer and really never replaced my MacBook Pro or MacBook Air. You cannot load software in the traditional sense on it, it has no cursor hence no mouse, has very limited memory and storage. No USP port either. They really are not the same beasts at all. While I love my New iPad as I did my iPad2 and my original iPad, they are not computers.
Thanks, I realize that Wolf. I have a brand new Dell desktop for all of that as well as a netbook & my old Toshiba laptop. I want this for web surfing, emailing & facebooking while sitting on the couch! I dont' plan on taking it anywhere so I don't need the 4G even though I considered it. I do have some concerns about using an Apple product since I never have used one (such as getting my pics on there), but I'm sure I'll adjust!
I just checked & my Discover card has 5% &, if I'm reading it correctly, plus the regular 1% if you purchase online from Apple. So I may go this route!

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