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Airport City Trading Centre


Look at my latest pop-up. I'm insulted! What the heck is this? :)
You can send me one if you like. What do you want back?
still have a couple of power amps left on music challenge....otherwise control tower stuffbelow or fuel additives. thanks.

way to go all on your airport cash bonuses. 2400! insane.
<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=41185"/>

Look at my latest pop-up. I'm insulted! What the heck is this? :)

It thinks you have changed the time setting on your ipad in the first releases of the game you could put clock forward and finishes flights but now it checks but it sometimes pops up in error

Needs; Just beacons please
It thinks you have changed the time setting on your ipad in the first releases of the game you could put clock forward and finishes flights but now it checks but it sometimes pops up in error

Needs; Just beacons please

Wow, as if I would do that ;)
Thanks Fred.
Nope, nothing like that.

I've seen the same message before. Must be what Fred said.

We had to replace our old ipad when our daughter broke it.

The screen was cracked then replaced but the wifi signal weakend through repairs so I purchased a second ipad.

I had to back up my old ipad then restore everything onto the new ipad.

My son started playing my old airport game on the old pad and tried to add launch fuel to my ongoing launch on my new ipad.

As both airports had the same profile name GI figured we were trying to add twice when my son tried to add fuel to my launch via his pad.

Hope that makes sense.

Anyway he's deleted my old airport now and started his own called ' Rigby's city'.

He's levelled up to 13 at the moment and soon hopes to join his dad on daily launches.
I recently returned from Hawaii, 3 hr time difference. Maybe the automatic change to the time when I returned caused the msg.
<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=41185"/>

Look at my latest pop-up. I'm insulted! What the heck is this? :)

I saw the same thing on screen a few weeks ago. It soon cleared and everything was ok without any intervention from me.
I think that it may have been at a time that I tried to add points that coincided exactly with a time when a friend was adding points. I concluded this because when I closed the game, then re-opened it a couple of minutes afterwards, everything was ok again but someone else had joined my launch and added points.
Hope this makes sense (it's not scientifically proven, just my hunch).

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