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Adding ipad calendar to iphone


iPF Noob
Feb 8, 2012
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I have a personal calendar on my iPad 2 that I want to subscribe to on my work phone which is a new iPhone 4s. I cannot connect through icloud because my work will not allow the use of it. I got as far as Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > Add account > Other > Add subscribed calendar...
But now I am stuck. How do I get the server address for my iPad calendar? This is a calendar on the factory app.
Is there another way to do this?
I think they make you cloud. It's free to register. You just have another email addy to keep up with. They say you can sync with gmail calendars and contacts. Yahoo too. I got a lot of really old contacts back after my first sync. The problem with the iPad cal is you cant modify the other events from other cake in iPad. And you have to choose an event to be a sync cal or it won't sync.
You can't share iPad calendars through iCloud, unless you have iCloud on both devices.

GMail, though, you should be able to sync both your iPad and iPhone to a GMail calendar.

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