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iPF Noob
Sep 17, 2011
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I just want to hear suggestions as to what people use for ipad 2calendar functions. I want to consolidate my work and personal calendar on the ipad without using a cloud calendar. I have a work calendar on Outlook on the microsoft exchange and my personal calendar is on the simple Palm z22 organizer. I have certainly googled calendars and syncs and there is just massive, massive amounts of information out there which makes my head spin.

I want to use my ipad calendar 2 as my calendar and i want it to sync with my work calendar. I would like to input the information though on an actual keyboard as a regular keyboard is much easier for me to use than the ipad 2 keyboard. I have already synced all my contacts on the ipad and an outlook and I already have a bunch of apps; calendar is the last thing for me to figure out!

Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Easiest way is to set your work exchange account up on your ipad, and choose to sync the calendar. This is of course if you know the required settings, some IT departments are reticent to hand them out.
thanks so much, they have given them to me but the ipad has to have access to the internet and there is no wi fi access where I work. I am thinking I have to go to Google calendar and sync work calendar with google and then ipad calendar with google so it will all be on the cloud but just wondered what other people did. Thanks again.
The Google option is still the best availabe, in my oppinion. With luck that will change shortly with the introduction of iCloud.

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