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taskbar has dissappeard

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iPF Noob
Jul 17, 2012
Reaction score
Hi guys,

Just had a curious thing last night. I was cleaning the screen of my iPad with a towel with the screen ON and suddenly the upper taskbar from the SpringBoard [FONT=arial, sans-serif]dissappeard !![/FONT] (the one with the wiFi signal the time and the battery) It's not even there when I have my lockscreen :([FONT=arial, sans-serif][/FONT] 2eda0k7.jpg[FONT=arial, sans-serif]

However, when I go to the Settings, it appears again?


Does anybody know how I can make my taskbar appear again on the SpringBoard ? Many thanks
The only thing I can think of is that you activated the "tap with three fingers = zoom" function. Then, while you were cleaning, you moved the screen around. So, try double tapping on the screen with three fingers - does your status bar come back? If yes, then that's it.

If you don't want the feature. You can always go to your Settings app, under General > Accessibility, and turn the function off.

If that's not it, holler back and we'll take another shot at it.

Try a hard reset, hold the "Power" button and the "Home" button for 15 seconds, until you see the Apple Icon, release. Wait about 2-5 minutes for it to reboot. Cures many odd problems with iDevices.
Thanks for your replys.

The tap with 3 fingers function is deactivated so it's not that. But I give it a shot and it didn't changed anything.
I also tried to reboot the iPad and still the same issue :(
Do y)u happen to be jail broken or is your iPad stock?

Cause this one's got me stumped on a stock iPad...

Springboard is indeed the name of the home screen of an iPad. Even me, a newbie know that :eek:

Sad though that nobody has an answer for me :( THanks anyway...
You're welcome. This one has some of us scratching our heads. Hope you get it sorted. And don't worry, if we resolve this one somehow, we will post here. We don't like unresolved issues.

Sent from my iPhone using iPF
You might try going into Settings:General:Reset:Reset Home Screen.
Hi Seadog. I had the same problem but your answer worked for me. Reset home screen and everything is normal. I have no idea what my kids have done with the ipad :)
Hi Richard and welcome to the forum. It's not clear whether the OP's problem was solved despite helpful efforts by a number of members. But he asked the question two years ago and has not been back to this thread since, so we'll assume he's moved on from here. Glad to see a similar problem was easily solved by you:)
With that we'll close this thread. Enjoy the forum!
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