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Question about Mail


iPF Noob
Sep 28, 2011
Reaction score
I everyone. I have an ipad 2 and an iPhone 4S. Both are linked to my hotmail account and have ios5 on them. Before I updated my phone and my iPad i would be able to retrieve any message from my hotmail account that the device had not seen before. So let's say on Monday I got an email from my mother, work and something from play.com. If I downloaded them on my phone and then half an hour later on my iPad i would receive them on both devices. Now however, if I have downloaded a message previously through my iPhone it will not get downloaded by my iPad. It WILL however do it the other way round.

So for example, say on Tuesday I got a message again from work, my mother and play and I looked at them on my iPhone, if I went to check my message straight away on my iPad it would say there are no messages. However if I had downloaded them on the iPad first and them went on the phone it would download them there as well. How can I get it so my iPad downloads each message it has not seen before as well? Cheers.
Right, I've noticed that the problem seems to be with my iPhone. It deletes the messages from the actual server so when my iPad looks for them it cannot find them. How can I stop this?

Edit: when I was looking through my iPad settings this morning there was an 'advanced' mail settings with the option to delete from server. I removed my account and out it back on and now I cannot find this option. Someone please help.
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Have you set this up with POP or IMAP? With IMAP you'll have that 'delete from server' option.

Under Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendar > you can open individual email accounts, open Advanced, then under Delete from server, click Never.
Have you set this up with POP or IMAP? With IMAP you'll have that 'delete from server' option.


I'm not sure. I simply went to add account then hotmail and entered my details.

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