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Post your old technology!

We were clearing out a kitchen drawer. We found this organiser. The battery is flat, but I expect the organiser does work.



My first organiser was a Casio. It did a good job, until the liquid part of my lunch spilt over it! I lost all my data etc. I still have the carcass somewhere :)

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My son plays organ in our church. He bought an old electric organ so that he could exercise at home.


It is standing in the room next to his.
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I wish I still had my old Palm Pilot. Does it count if you google lol?

Sent from my WiFi Black 64GB iPad with Retina Display in NYC using iPF
tlbaker said:
I wish I still had my old Palm Pilot. Does it count if you google lol?

Sent from my WiFi Black 64GB iPad with Retina Display in NYC using iPF

I have mine too, we should post together!!

Skimonkey ~~ sent from my iPad using iPF
J. A. said:
My son plays organ in our church. He bought an old electric organ so that he could exercise at home.

<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=32853"/>
<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=32854"/>

It is standing in the room next to his.

I want to learn the organ, not any songs I just wanna play the instrument
nathan the ipad lover said:
I want to learn the organ, not any songs I just wanna play the instrument

It helps a lot if you can play the piano. My son started with playing the accordion, then got on with the piano, before he started with the organ.

Sent from my wonderful iPad 2 :-D
I was privileged to attend a midnight recording session at Christ Church Cathedral in St. Louis, MO. The organist asked me to turn pages for him. In return, he invited me to doodle around on the manual during a break. Fortunately, I'd brought a little book of Bach chorales to the session, just in case. I wanna tell you, as power trips go, little compares to the rush of commanding several thousand pipes!


milliHelen: amount of beauty required to launch one ship.
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LannyC said:
I was privileged to attend a midnight recording session at Christ Church Cathedral in St. Louis, MO. The organist asked me to turn pages for him. In return, he invited me to doodle around on the manual during a break. Fortunately, I'd brought a little book of Bach chorales to the session, just in case. I wanna tell you, as power trips go, little compares to the rush of commanding several thousand pipes!

milliHelen: amount of beauty required to launch one ship.

That's a great experience, LannyC. Many thanks for sharing.

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This is old technology from my industry.


We called this contraption a "cart" which was short for tape cartridge.

The continuous loop of magnetic recording tape was used to record sound clips to be played during a news update on radio.

When the record feature was activated, a cue tone was generated at the point when the tape began moving to record the clip you wanted.

The tone also acted as a stop signal so the recording wouldn't play through a second time while you were on the air.

As a presenter is was key to leave just a short gap of no sound at the beginning so you could activate the tape while saying the last word of the
introduction, so the listener didn't hear the "clunking" sound made when the tape started.

Stations I worked for we're still using this technology in the early 1990's before migrating to digital recording and playback.

Note the hand written identification label. I was on shift January 28, 1986 and had prepared this blank cartridge in advance, to capture the launch of the shuttle Challenger - "Teacher In Space" program. An event we thought would mark the beginning of an era of routine space travel. The recording was supposed to be used in the top hour newscast. That recording was never played for that purpose since the coverage of the launch failure continued live on radio and television for many hours.

I have transferred the audio to digital to preserve it, but keep the tape version to remind me how such a simple device was used to capture a small piece of our history.


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Thank you from me too, for sharing this, Admiral. I recall commercial radio stations used the "carts" for adverts.

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I wish I still had my old Palm Pilot. Does it count if you google lol?

Sent from my WiFi Black 64GB iPad with Retina Display in NYC using iPF

Bob Maxey use to build them. Yup, your favorite iPad forum Bob actually worked in high tech doing actual work. Glad you liked the PalmPilot . . . I tried to do the bestus dang darn jobby possible.

I actually owned the very first Palm Pilot with 8 Mb of RAM. Several of us made our own memory boards from RAM chips left lying around the production floor.

I beta tested the Palm VII, too. Not even the on-site Palm rep had seen one. He thought I was connected to Palm so we got along.

Anyway, three cheers for Palm. I miss you.

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